(1 / 2) two people take turns to count, each time can only report 1 to 6, who report after all add up to exactly 2008 who wins, if a count first, how much can he count (1 / 2) two people count in turn. Each time they can only report 1 to 6. Who will win if all the numbers add up to 2008? If a counts first, how much will he have to count to win? There are ten Pingguo in turn There are ten Pingguo. Two people take one or two in turn. Who wins last? How should I take it first and then?

(1 / 2) two people take turns to count, each time can only report 1 to 6, who report after all add up to exactly 2008 who wins, if a count first, how much can he count (1 / 2) two people count in turn. Each time they can only report 1 to 6. Who will win if all the numbers add up to 2008? If a counts first, how much will he have to count to win? There are ten Pingguo in turn There are ten Pingguo. Two people take one or two in turn. Who wins last? How should I take it first and then?

A takes six first, and the rest is a multiple of seven
If B takes x, then a takes 7-x, it can guarantee to get 2008
If you want to win, the one who takes first will take one

Two people count in turn, each time can only report one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, and then add up the numbers reported by each person in turn, until the sum is 100. According to the competition rules, after adding the number you reported, you will get 100, and you will win. Please design a method to report the number that must win

The total energy composition of reported numbers: 1 + 3 = 2 + 2 = 3 + 1 = 4
Those who report back will win, as long as
Each time and the person in front of the number and is 4, you can
Victory after the 25th round

Two people take turns to report the number from 1, each person can report a number or two consecutive numbers each time, who first report to 30, who is the winner of this process flow chart

Let the other party report first. If he reports one, you report two or three. If he reports one or two, you report three, and so on. In short, the number you want to report is a multiple of three. In this way, you report 27. If he reports 28, you report 29 or 30. If he reports 28 or 29, you report 30. Of course, you will win

1.256x4 + 3.14x (1.256 of 2x3.14) & # 178; x2 =?

1.256x4 + 3.14x (1.256 of 2x3.14) & # 178; x2

The five digits of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 are used to form the five digits without repetition, and they are arranged in the sequence {an} from small to large
What is 67890 of {an}? A.7 b.8 c.9 d.10 e.21

Find something smaller than this number
The minimum number of ten thousand bits is six, and the minimum number of thousand bits is zero is three! = six
If the thousand digit is 7, then there are 2! = 2 if the hundred digit is 0
If the 100 is 8, then the last two must be 09
So there are nine numbers smaller than 67890, so 67890 is item 10

What is the law of 8868.431.11

8868 4311 (1) find the root of these three numbers, take the upper integer and the lower integer respectively. If the root of 8868 gets 94.170058935948426006069486846663, then take 94 and 95 and write these numbers down as follows: 94 20 3 (2) 95 21 4 (3) use (1) - (2) * (2) to get (4), for example, 8868-94 * 94 = 3232 31 2 (4) use (3) * (...)

The last number of the sequence 0100,7,39,14,86,

I don't know, right

A question about number sequence: 675, 225, 90, 45, 30, 30, (). How much is the last number?

60, decompose the sequence as follows: 675 = 3 * 225225 = 3 * 75 90 = 3 * 30 45 = 3 * 15 30 = 3 * 10 30 = 3 * 10
Then you look at the multiplier behind, you will find that 225 is three times of 75, 75 is 2.5 times of 30, 30 is 2 times of 15, 15 is 1.5 times of 10, 10 is one time of 10, the multiplier of the next number should be 2 times of 10, 20, so the next number is 3 * 20 = 60

6, 7, 3, 0, 3, 3, 6, 9, () how to get the last number from this sequence

6 ,7 ,3,0 ,3,3,6,9,(5 )
Starting from the third number, each of the following numbers is the single digit of the sum of the first two digits

Find a pattern, fill in a number, 8868 431 11

8868 431 11 (1)
Find the root of these three numbers and take the upper integer and the lower integer respectively. For example, if 8868 root is taken, 94.170058935948426006069486846663 can be obtained
Then take 94 and 95
Write down the numbers as follows:
94 20 3 (2)
95 21 4 (3)
Use (1) - (2) * (2) to get (4), such as 8868-94 * 94 = 32
32 31 2 (4)
Use (3) * (3) - (1) to get (5), such as 95 * 95-8868 = 157
157 10 5 (5)
Use (2) * (3) - (1) to get (6), such as 94 * 95-8868 = 62
62 -11 1 (6)
(7) is obtained from (1) - (4) * (5), such as 8868-32 * 157 = 3844
3844 121 1 (7)
It is found that (6) * (6) = (7). Then, according to this algorithm, we get a number which satisfies this rule and is smaller than 11, that is 8
In addition, the corresponding (6) of the fourth number should be negative
The answer is 8