A bottle of 300ml of water, Dad drank 1 / 4, mom drank 1 / 3, the rest of Xiaoming drank up, Xiaoming drank this bottle of water how many?

A bottle of 300ml of water, Dad drank 1 / 4, mom drank 1 / 3, the rest of Xiaoming drank up, Xiaoming drank this bottle of water how many?

Xiao Ming drank 1-1 / 4-1 / 3 of this bottle of water = 1-7 / 12 = 5 / 12

Xiaokema bought a box of milk and put it on the horizontal floor. The contact area between the box and the floor is 0.025m2. The total weight of the box and the milk is 5kg. The packaging of each small bag of milk in the box is marked with the words "net content 220ml, 231g" (G is 10N / kg). How much is the density of this kind of milk g / cm3

V = 220ml = 220cm3, the density of milk is: ρ = MV = 231g220cm3 = 1.05g/cm3

1. Xiaogang's mother bought a box of milk and put it on the floor. The contact area between the box and the floor is 0.025cm2, and the total weight of the box and milk is 5kg
The packaging bag of each small bag of milk in the box is marked with the words "net content 221ml, 227g" (g = 10N / kg)
Try to find out: (1) what is the density of this kind of milk in g / cm3? (the calculation results are kept to two decimal places after the decimal point)
What is the pressure of the milk on the floor?

&If the pressure P = f / S & nbsp; F = Mg & nbsp; & nbsp; then p = mg / S = 5x10 / 0.025 & nbsp; = 2000Pa

Xiao Zhang's mother bought a box of bright milk and put it on the floor. The contact area between the box and the floor is 250 square centimeters. The total weight of the box and the milk is 5 kg. There is a lot of milk in the box
The packaging bag of each box of milk is marked with "net content 221 ml, 227 g" (10 N / kg for G)
(1) What's the density of this milk
(2) What is the pressure of the milk on the floor?

(1) The density of this kind of milk = mass / volume
= 227g ÷ 221ml = 227g ÷ 221 cm³ = 1.03 g/cm³
(2) The pressure of this box of milk on the floor = weight / floor area
= 5 kg ÷ 250 cm² = 50 N ÷ 0.025 m²
= 2000 Pa