(1) There were 2500 classes planted in a forest farm last year, and 1900 classes planted this year. How many percent less than last year? (2) a forest farm planted trees last year (1) There were 2500 classes for tree planting in a forest farm last year and 1900 classes for tree planting this year. How many percent less than last year? (2) There were 2500 classes for tree planting in a forest farm last year. The number of trees planted this year is 24% less than that of last year. How many classes are there for tree planting this year? (3) There were 2500 tree planting classes in a forest farm last year, 24% less than last year. How many tree planting classes were there last year?

(1) There were 2500 classes planted in a forest farm last year, and 1900 classes planted this year. How many percent less than last year? (2) a forest farm planted trees last year (1) There were 2500 classes for tree planting in a forest farm last year and 1900 classes for tree planting this year. How many percent less than last year? (2) There were 2500 classes for tree planting in a forest farm last year. The number of trees planted this year is 24% less than that of last year. How many classes are there for tree planting this year? (3) There were 2500 tree planting classes in a forest farm last year, 24% less than last year. How many tree planting classes were there last year?


The number of trees planted in Qingshan forest farm this year is 15% higher than that of last year. The number of trees planted this year is equivalent to ()% of that of last year


2400 trees have been planted in a forest farm this year, 20% more than last year. How many more trees have been planted this year than last year?

Annual tree planting: 2400 (1 + 0.2) = 2000
So this year, 2400-2000 trees will be planted more than last year
I hope I can help you

22. A forest farm purchased 3000 saplings for planting, and X saplings were planted every day, which took y days
(1) Write the functional relationship between Y and X
(2) If there are 50 people participating in tree planting, and it is stipulated that each person should plant 12 trees every day, how many days can he complete the task of tree planting?
(3) If, after 2 days of planting, the forest farm finds that there are not enough saplings available and buys back 1080 saplings, how many people should the forest farm send to plant trees from the third day in order to ensure the same time of planting trees? (7 points)

3000 / 50 / 12 = 5 (days)
Trees planted in two days: 50 × 12 × 2 = 1200
Remaining trees in two days: 3000-1200 = 1800 (trees)
Trees not planted in two days: 1800 + 1080 = 2880
Days left: 5-2 = 3 (days)
Total number of people needed: 2880 △ 3 △ 12 = 80 (people)
Including the original 50 people
3000-50*12*2=1800 1800+1080=2880
2880 / 3 / 12 = 80 people should be sent