Mother monkey picked some peaches. The little monkey ate one seventh of the total on the first day, and the rest one third on the second day. What percentage of the total on the second day

Mother monkey picked some peaches. The little monkey ate one seventh of the total on the first day, and the rest one third on the second day. What percentage of the total on the second day

6 / 7 (1-1 / 3) = 18 / 21-6 / 21 = 12 / 21 = 4 / 7

Mother monkey picked back some peaches. The little monkeys ate half of these peaches on the first day and the remaining one-third on the second day. There were still 20 peaches left,
How many peaches are there in all?

Total number of peaches × (1 - 1 / 2) × (1 - 1 / 3) = 20
Total number of peaches × 1 / 2 × 2 / 3 = 20
Total number of peaches = 20 × 3 / 2 × 2 = 60

Monkey mother really hard, pick back peaches and peach. Each monkey points 10, two monkeys did not get. A command to take back, think for a long time and peach
Each monkey is divided into eight, and each monkey laughs. How many monkeys do you have? How many peaches does the monkey mother pick?

Set monkey X
There are 80 peaches

The monkey king divided the peaches for the little monkeys. If each monkey divided 10 peaches, two little monkeys didn't get the peaches. If each monkey divided 8 peaches, there were six peaches left. Do you know how many peaches and how many little monkeys there were?

There are x monkeys: (X-2) * 10 = 8x + 6, x = 13
There are 110 peaches

There are two ways to promote sales in a shopping mall on New Year's day. Method a is to reduce 50 yuan when the price is over 200 yuan. Scheme B is to give a 20% discount according to the price. No matter whether scheme a or scheme B is adopted, the actual price of a commodity is the same. It is known that the price of this commodity is more than 200 yuan but less than 400 yuan. Calculate the price of this commodity. Suppose the price of this commodity is x yuan
(1) According to scheme a, the consumer needs to pay () yuan. According to scheme B, the consumer needs to pay () yuan
(2) How much is the price of this article?
The following is a series of numbers arranged regularly: - 3,6, - 12,24, - 48... Please observe this rule and answer the following question: the seventh number should be (). In this series of numbers, are there three adjacent numbers whose sum is 2013? If so, there are three numbers in autumn. If not, explain the reason

The price of goods is x yuan. The price of consumers is y yuan
A:x-50=y. B:80%x=y
Because a = B,. So x-50 = 80% X
The solution is x = 250 yuan. So the price is 250 yuan
Second question: the seventh number is 96
These numbers are expressed as: (- 3) (- 2) ^ (x-1)
The sum of three consecutive terms is: (- 3) (- 2) ^ (x-1) + (- 3) (- 2) ^ (x) + (- 3) (- 2) ^ (x + 1) = 2013
The results are as follows: (- 3) (- 2) ^ (x-1) (1-2 + 4) = 2013
(- 2) ^ (x - 1) = 671 / - 3, so there is no solution
So there are no three numbers

During the new year's day, Huimin shopping mall held preferential promotion activities and decided to let customers draw a lottery to determine the discount. Lao Li took a 70% discount and a 90% discount when he bought two kinds of goods. He paid 386 yuan in total. The sum of the original sales prices of these two kinds of goods was 500 yuan. What were the original sales prices of Lao Li when he bought these two kinds of goods?

Suppose Lao Li's original selling prices of these two commodities are x and Y respectively
x + y =500;0.7x + 0.9y =386
The simultaneous solution is x = 320, y = 180

After a shopping mall bought two kinds of clothing, they all increased the price by 40%. During the Spring Festival, the shopping mall made a preferential promotion and decided to sell them at 20% and 10% discount of the price. A customer paid 182 yuan for the two kinds of clothing, and the sum of the two kinds of clothing price was 210 yuan?

If the price of a clothing is x yuan, the price is x1.4 yuan according to the title; if the price of B clothing is y yuan, the price is y1.4 yuan according to the title. According to the title equation system, the price is x + y = 21080% x + 90% y = 182, and the solution is x = 70Y = 140 Price is 70 yuan, B clothing price is 100 yuan, price is 140 yuan

After a shopping mall bought two kinds of clothing, both of them increased the price by 40%. During the Spring Festival, the shopping mall carried out preferential promotion and decided to sell the two kinds of clothing according to the price
A customer pays 182 yuan to buy two kinds of clothes. The sum of the price of the two kinds of clothes is 210 yuan. How much is the purchase price and the price of the two kinds of clothes,

@"Science tutor" answers questions for you
If the price of clothes sold at 10% discount is x yuan, the price of clothes sold at 20% discount is 210-x yuan
The solution of the equation is: x = 140
20% off clothes price 210-x = 210-140 = 70 yuan
The purchase price of 10% off clothes is 140 / (1 + 40%) = 100 yuan
The purchase price of 20% off clothes is 70 / (1 + 40%) = 50 yuan
A: for clothes with 10% discount, the purchase price is 100 yuan and the price is 140 yuan; for clothes with 20% discount, the purchase price is 50 yuan and the price is 70 yuan
@If you are not clear, you are welcome to ask. If you understand, please adopt it in time!

After a shopping mall bought two kinds of clothing, they all increased the price by 40%. During the Spring Festival, the shopping mall made a preferential promotion and decided to sell them at 20% and 10% discount of the price. A customer paid 182 yuan for the two kinds of clothing, and the sum of the two kinds of clothing price was 210 yuan?

If the price of a kind of clothing is x yuan, then the price is x1.4 yuan according to the title; if the price of B kind of clothing is y yuan, then the price is y1.4 yuan according to the title, then according to the title equation system, we get x + y = 21080% x + 90% y = 182, and the solution is x = 70Y = 140

After a shopping mall bought two kinds of clothing, they all increased the price by 40%. During the Spring Festival, the shopping mall made a preferential promotion and decided to sell them at 20% and 10% discount of the price. A customer paid 182 yuan for the two kinds of clothing, and the sum of the two kinds of clothing price was 210 yuan?

If the price of a kind of clothing is x yuan, then the price is x1.4 yuan according to the title; if the price of B kind of clothing is y yuan, then the price is y1.4 yuan according to the title, then according to the title equation system, we get x + y = 21080% x + 90% y = 182, and the solution is x = 70Y = 140