The distance between AB and B is 60 kilometers. Party A and B start from AB and walk towards each other at the same time. Party A travels 4 kilometers more than Party B every hour and meets each other after three hours What are the speeds of a and B?

The distance between AB and B is 60 kilometers. Party A and B start from AB and walk towards each other at the same time. Party A travels 4 kilometers more than Party B every hour and meets each other after three hours What are the speeds of a and B?

Let B's speed be XKM / h and a's speed be (x + 4) km / h
Then 3x + 3 (x + 4) = 60 and x = 8
So a travels 12 kilometers per hour, B 8 kilometers per hour

A. B is 60 kilometers away from each other. A and B walk from each other at the same time. They meet two hours later. A walks 4.8 kilometers more than B. A travels every hour______ Kilometer, B need to finish the whole journey______ Hours

(60 ﹣ 2-2.4) ﹣ 2 + (4.8 ﹣ 2), = (30-2.4) ﹣ 2 + 2.4, = 27.6 ﹣ 2 + 2.4, = 13.8 + 2.4, = 16.2 (km), answer: a travels 16.2 km per hour, (2) 60 ﹣ 16.2-2.4, = 60 ﹣ 13.8, = 4823 (H), answer: B takes 4823 hours to complete the whole journey

The distance between two places is 1500 meters. Party A and Party B set out from two places at the same time. If they walk in opposite directions, they will meet in 3 minutes. If they walk in the same direction, they will catch up in 50 minutes

Speed sum = 1500 △ 3 = 500m / min
Speed difference = 1500 △ 50 = 30 m / min
A speed = (500 + 30) △ 2 = 265m / min
B speed = 500-265 = 235 M / min

A and B set out from a and B at the same time. If two people walk in opposite directions, they meet in 3 minutes. If two people walk in the same direction, a overtakes B in 13 minutes. It is known that B walks 25 meters per minute, then the distance between a and B is______ Rice

The distance between the two places is x km, (113x + 25) × 3 + 3 + 3 × 25 = x, and the (113x + 25) and (113x + 25) x (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 × 25, which is the distance between the two places is x km, and the (113x + 25 + 25) and (113x + 25) x (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 × 25 = x, and the & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; &Answer: the distance between a and B is 195 meters