A and B are moving in the same direction on the road at a constant speed. A's speed is 3 km / h, and B's speed is 5 km / h. A passes through place a at 12 noon, and B passes through place a at 2 pm. What time can b catch up with a in the afternoon? How far is it from ground a?

A and B are moving in the same direction on the road at a constant speed. A's speed is 3 km / h, and B's speed is 5 km / h. A passes through place a at 12 noon, and B passes through place a at 2 pm. What time can b catch up with a in the afternoon? How far is it from ground a?

According to the meaning of the question: 6 + 3x = 5x, the solution is: x = 3, 5 × 3 = 15 (km). Answer: B can catch up with a at 5 p.m., and the distance to a is 15km

A and B are going at an average speed along the road. A travels 3 kilometers per hour, b 5 kilometers per hour. A passes through a at 12 noon, B passes by a at 2 pm, and B asks when he can catch up with a in the afternoon. How far are they from a now

This question is too messy. It's wrong to go opposite or opposite

A ring road is 42 kilometers long. A and B ride bicycles on the road. The speed is 21 kilometers and 14 kilometers per hour respectively
1. If two people start from the same point on the road in the opposite direction at the same time, how many hours will they meet?
2. If two people start from the same point on the road in the same direction at the same time, how many hours will they meet?
Solve by equation

1. If it takes x hours, then a rides 21x kilometers and B rides 14x kilometers
How to solve the equation
Meet in 1.2 hours
2. Let a be 21x-14x faster than B per hour
How to solve the equation
x =6
Six hours in the opposite direction