When Master Zhang processes a batch of parts, the ratio of the number of parts completed on the first day to the total number of parts is 1:3. If he processes another 15 parts, half of the batch of parts can be completed. How many parts are there in total?

When Master Zhang processes a batch of parts, the ratio of the number of parts completed on the first day to the total number of parts is 1:3. If he processes another 15 parts, half of the batch of parts can be completed. How many parts are there in total?

Suppose there are x parts in this batch. 12x-13x = 15 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 15 × 6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 90 A: there are 90 parts in this batch

Master Wang processed a batch of parts, one fourth and seven of which were completed in the first day, and the remaining two fifths were completed in the second day, two less and 32 more
There are 32 parts left to be processed. How many of them are there in total?

[(32-2) / (1-2 / 5) + 7] / (1-1 / 4) = 76

When Master Wang processes a batch of parts, the finished quantity is two fifths of the unfinished quantity, and another 600 parts are just one third of all the parts

If x has been completed, 5 / 2 * x has not been completed
A: Master Wang has completed 3600 projects

The number of parts processed by Party A is one third of that by Party B and Party C, two fifths of that by Party B and 26 by Party C
Suppose a X

I hope I can help you
According to the number of a processing is one-third of the two
We get x = 10
That is, a made 10, B made 4, C made 26, a total of 40