A and B start from city a and city B at the same time. The speed ratio of the two cars is 8:7 A and B start from city a and city B at the same time. The speed ratio of the two cars is 8:7. After they meet, B speeds up 30 kilometers, and finally they all arrive at the destination at the same time. How many kilometers does B walk per hour before they meet?

A and B start from city a and city B at the same time. The speed ratio of the two cars is 8:7 A and B start from city a and city B at the same time. The speed ratio of the two cars is 8:7. After they meet, B speeds up 30 kilometers, and finally they all arrive at the destination at the same time. How many kilometers does B walk per hour before they meet?

Before the meeting, the speed ratio was 8:7, starting at the same time, so the distance between the two cars was 8:7, that is to say, the remaining distance ratio of car a and car B was 7:8. Later, car B speeded up 30 km / h, and arrived at the same time, so the speed ratio of car B and car a should be 8:7 after the speed increase, assuming that the original speed of car B was x km / h, car a

A and B leave from a and B at the same time. The speed ratio of a and B is 7:8. After the two cars meet, B travels 15 kilometers less per hour than before. As a result, the two cars arrive at the other party's starting place at the same time. How many kilometers per hour did a and B travel?

Before meeting, the speed ratio was 7:8, and the speed of car B was 8 / 7 of that of car a
When they meet, the two vehicles take the same time, so the distance ratio is 7:8
7 / 15 of the whole journey of car company a and 8 / 15 of the whole journey of car company B
After the meeting, the remaining distance of the two vehicles is 8 / 15 and 7 / 15 respectively. The distance ratio is 8:7
Arrive at the same time, so the speed ratio after meeting is 8:7, and the speed of car B is 7 / 8 of that of car a
Therefore, the speed of a is 15 / (8 / 7-7 / 8) = 15 / (64-49) / 56 = 56 km / h
The original B speed was 56 * 8 / 7 = 64 km / h

From city a to city B, car a needs to drive for one third of an hour, and car B needs to drive for one fourth of an hour?
There should be specific formulas

A speed: B speed = 1 / 3:1 / 4 = 3:4 = 3 / 4
The speed of car a is three fourths of that of car B

It takes one-third of an hour for car a to travel, and one-half of an hour for car B to travel. How much of the speed of car a is that of car B

Suppose the total distance is unit 1, then the speed of car a is 1 / 3 = 3, and that of car B is 1 / 2 = 2
So car a is 3 / 2 of car B's speed