The number of cars is 112 more than that of trucks, so the number of trucks is () A. 1+112B. 1÷(1+112)C. (1+112)÷1D. 1-112

The number of cars is 112 more than that of trucks, so the number of trucks is () A. 1+112B. 1÷(1+112)C. (1+112)÷1D. 1-112

A: the number of freight cars is 1213 times that of cars

There are 108 cars. The number of known cars is five times that of trucks. How many cars are there

90 vehicles 108 / 6 * 5 = 90

A car city sold cars, buses and trucks in December. Cars sold 1 / 5 more than trucks, buses sold 3 / 5 less than trucks. Three kinds of cars were sold in total
How many trucks are sold out of 221?

Spend less,
Car sales:
140 × 5 / (5 + 2) = 100 (unit)
Van sales:
140 × 2 / (5 + 2) = 40 (unit)
Sales of cars and more than one minivan:
100-40 = 60