The fruit store bought some apples for 4 at 1 yuan and sold them for 5 at 2 yuan. When checking out, it found that the profit was 120 yuan. How many apples did the store sell at least

The fruit store bought some apples for 4 at 1 yuan and sold them for 5 at 2 yuan. When checking out, it found that the profit was 120 yuan. How many apples did the store sell at least

120 (2 / 5-1 / 4) = 800

Aunt Wang bought two apples for one yuan, and sold all the apples for two yuan. The total profit was 200 yuan. How many apples did Aunt Wang buy


The weight of the apple from the fruit shop is 480KG more than that of the pear. The weight of the apple is 1.8 times that of the pear? (write out the equivalent relation first, and then use the method of equation to solve it)

If the weight of pear is 480, the weight of pear is 1.8x kg, the weight of apple is 1.8x kg, X (1.8-1) = 480, X (1.8-1) = 480, 0.8x = 480, 0.8x △ 0.8 = 480 △ 0.8, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

There are 300 kg bananas and some apples in the fruit shop. When bananas sell 50% and apples sell 23%, there are as many apples and bananas left. How many kg apples are there?

300 × (1-50%) / 1-23, = 300 × 50% / 13, = 450 (kg). Answer: Apple has 450 kg