48 out of 60 = 48 out of 60 divided by several parts = 15 out of 20 = 15 out of 20 divided by several parts

48 out of 60 = 48 out of 60 divided by several parts = 15 out of 20 = 15 out of 20 divided by several parts

48 out of 60 = 48 out of 60 (the numerator and denominator are divided by 12) = 4 out of 5
15 out of 20 = 15 out of 20 (numerator and denominator divided by 5) = 3 out of 4

A paving team paves one third of a section of road in four fifths of an hour. According to this calculation, how many parts of this section of road can be paved in four fifths of an hour

The proportion that can be paved
=1 / 3 × (4 / 15 ÷ 4 / 5)
=1 / 3 × 1 / 3
=One in nine

Cut the 5-meter-long rope into 8 sections on average. Each section is a fraction of the length of the rope, and each section is a fraction of the length of the rope

Cut the 5-meter-long rope into 8 sections, each section is 5 / 8 of the length, and each section accounts for 1 / 8 of the 5-meter length

Cut the 3-meter-long rope into 8 sections on average. Each section is a fraction of the total length of the rope, and each section is a fraction of the length of the rope

Cut the 3-meter-long rope into 8 sections, each section is 1 / 8 of the total length, and each section is 3 / 8 meters long