Fold the 3-meter-long rope in half for 3 times, and then the average length of each section stands at a fraction of the length of the rope

Fold the 3-meter-long rope in half for 3 times, and then the average length of each section stands at a fraction of the length of the rope

Fold the 3-meter-long rope in half for 3 times, and then stand at 1 / 3 of the length of the rope on average

A rope is folded in half, then in half, and then in half. What's the length of the rope now?

A rope is folded in half, one is half of the original, and then folded in half, one is quarter of the original, and then folded in half, one is one eighth of the original
So a rope is folded in half, then in half, and then in half. Now the length is 1 / 8 of the original

After folding a rope in half for three times, what is the length of each section?
Basic training for grade five, 50 pages, gas station. (Beijing Normal University Edition)
It's better to take the 49 of the fifth grade basic training edition of Beijing Normal University as the fourth question
After folding a rope in half for three times, what is the length of each section?
Better have a formula!

One fold in half is half of the original length,
It's a quarter of its original length,
Three fold is one eighth of the original length
No textbooks, do it yourself, can't help

Fold a 1 meter long rope in half, and then fold it in half. How many meters is the length of each section?

A quarter