Find out the arrangement of the numbers in each line, and fill in the appropriate numbers 2, 5, 11, 23, 47 in the brackets,

Find out the arrangement of the numbers in each line, and fill in the appropriate numbers 2, 5, 11, 23, 47 in the brackets,

2+3=5 5+6=11 11+12=23 23+24=47
So the numbers they add are multiplied by two in turn
24*2=48 48+47=95

Find out the arrangement rule of the number of each line below and fill in the appropriate number in ()
(1)3 、6、12、( )、48
(2)324、108、36、( )、( )
(3)3、5、8、13、( )
(4)9、16、( )、36、( )

Multiply the number before 24 by 2
12.4 divide the previous number by three
The sum of the first two numbers of 21
25 49 3 square 4 square 5 de square 6 get square 7