Fowards i'm heavy.Backwards i'm not.What This is a riddle. How should namo translate the question and answer

Fowards i'm heavy.Backwards i'm not.What This is a riddle. How should namo translate the question and answer

Follow me, but not against me. What am I? Type English words
Answer: not

What am (something in a museum) riddle
white land and colorful sea,there one can grow a flower or a tree,or anything else one hopes to see,lots of lots of people like to see me

Something in a museum, so painting white land and colorful sea, there one can grow a flower or a tree, or anything else one hopes to see, lots of lots of lots of

English Riddles: when I am white, I am dirty.when I am biack,I am ciean.what am

When I am white, I am dirty; when I am black, I am clean
The answer is blackboard