Aunt Li deposited 1000 yuan in the bank last year and got 18 yuan after tax interest one year later. The annual interest rate of one year's deposit is A 2.23% B 2.79% C 2.25%

Aunt Li deposited 1000 yuan in the bank last year and got 18 yuan after tax interest one year later. The annual interest rate of one year's deposit is A 2.23% B 2.79% C 2.25%

C 2.25%
The title is flawed, should give "interest tax is 20%"
The pre tax interest is 18 (1-20%) = 22.5 yuan
The solution is x = 2.25%

Xiaoli will deposit 1000 yuan in the bank for two years, with an annual interest rate of 2.66%. When it matures, she can get after tax interest from the bank______ Yuan

1 000 × 2.66% × 2, = 53.2 (yuan); 53.2 × (1-20%), = 53.2 × 80%, = 42.56 (yuan). Answer: when due, she can get 42.56 yuan of after tax interest from the bank

Xiao Ming deposits 1000 yuan in the bank and withdraws 1038.88 yuan of principal and after tax interest two years later. What's the annual interest rate?

Interest: 38.88 * 80% = 48.6 yuan
Annual interest: 48.6/2 = 24.3
Annual interest rate: 24.3/1000 * 100% = 2.43%

I want to deposit 1000 yuan in the bank. What's the annual interest rate and interest rate in the form of current savings?

At present, the interest rate of bank current deposit is 0.35%
One year interest income of 1000 yuan current deposit:
1000 * 0.35% = 3.50 yuan
If calculated as time deposit
One year interest income of RMB 1000 fixed deposit:
1000 * 3.25% = 32.50 yuan