The cost of one kind of machine parts is reduced from 2.4 yuan to 1.8 yuan. How much is the cost reduced

The cost of one kind of machine parts is reduced from 2.4 yuan to 1.8 yuan. How much is the cost reduced

(2.4-1.8) / 2.4 * 100% = 25%, reduced by 25%

A kind of machine parts, the cost is reduced from 2.4 yuan to 0.8 yuan. How much is the cost reduced?

(2.4-0.8) △ 2.4 = 1.6 △ 2.4, ≈ 67%; a: the cost has been reduced by about 67%

One kind of machine parts, the cost is reduced by 0.8 yuan from 2.4 yuan, how much is the cost reduced?
In a hurry·····


The average of the four numbers is 54.25, plus what number, the average can reach 55


A. The average of the four numbers B, C and D is 80. If one of the numbers a is changed to 60, the average becomes 50, then a is 80(
Fill in the brackets at will. It can be numbers or words

A + B + C + D = 4 * 80 = 320
60 + B + C + D = 4 * 50 = 200 two
One two (a + B + C + D) - (60 + B + C + D) = 320-200
It can be seen that A-60 = 120
So a = 180
You can ask me if you don't understand

The average of four numbers is 65. If you change a number to 120, the average will be 80. What is the number?

The sum of the original four numbers: 65 × 4 = 260
The sum of the following four numbers: 80 × 4 = 320
The number has increased: 320-260 = 60
The original number is: 120-60 = 60

There is a string of numbers, 40, 60, 50, 55 -- starting from the third number, which is the average of its first two numbers. Find the integer band formula of the 10th number in the string

I'm writing a few
Then the later data is between 53.75 and 53.125
So the integer is 53

If there is a two digit number greater than 35 but less than 55, the number in one digit is 3 larger than that in ten digit, find the two digit number
To solve the problem with one variable inequality

Let X be the number on the ten digits of the two digit number (x is a positive integer), x + 3 be the number on the one digit number, and the two digit number is 10x + X + 3,

The average of five numbers is 70. If one of them is changed to 55, the average will be 60. What's the number?
Be more specific~~~

The sum of five numbers is 70 × 5 = 350
Later, the average was 60
Then the sum is 60 × 5 = 300
So 350-300 = 50 is reduced
A: the number is 105

The average of five numbers is 70. If one of them is changed to 55, the average will be 60. What is the number?

If the average number is reduced by 10, that is, the number is reduced by 50, then it should be 55 + 50 = 105