(2 / 11 + 3 / 22 + 4 / 33) × 66 simple calculation

(2 / 11 + 3 / 22 + 4 / 33) × 66 simple calculation

(2 / 11 + 3 / 22 + 4 / 33) × 66
=2 × 66 / 11 + 3 × 66 / 22 + 4 × 66 / 33

Set the table and chair in the following way. One table can seat 4 people, and two tables can seat 6 people·········
How many people can 8 tables hold? 20 tables?

2×8+2=18 20×2+2=42

Set the table and chair in the following way, one table can seat 4 people, two tables can seat 6 people
How many people can 10 tables hold?
Have a formula!

10 tables 2 * 10 + 2 = 22

According to the following table and chair, a table can sit 4 people 2, 6 people 6, how many people 15

If you put six together, 14 people
15 is 32
(the first and last are three people, two in the middle)
Is that right?