It is known that two numbers are not multiple relations, and the greatest common factor of these two numbers is 6, and the least common multiple is 144. What is the sum and product of these two numbers? I want the formula

It is known that two numbers are not multiple relations, and the greatest common factor of these two numbers is 6, and the least common multiple is 144. What is the sum and product of these two numbers? I want the formula

These two numbers are 3 * 6 = 18 and 8 * 6 = 48 respectively
The sum of these two numbers = 18 + 48 = 66
The product of these two numbers = 18 * 48 = 864

If the greatest common factor of a and B is 12, the least common multiple is 144, and a = 36, then B = ()? Write down the process

Let B = X
Because the greatest common factor of a and B is 12,
So, a / 12 x / 12 coprime
So (A / 12) * (x / 12) * 12 = 144
The solution is x = 48

The least common multiple of 3 and 5 (by short division)

The least common multiple of 3 and 5: 3x5 = 15
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The least common multiple of two coprime numbers is 143. The two coprime numbers are () and () or () and ()

The two coprime numbers are (1) and (143) or (11) and (13)