108+109+110+111+112+113+114=( )x( )=( )

108+109+110+111+112+113+114=( )x( )=( )

108+109+110+111+112+113+114=(111 )x(7 )=( 777)

101+102+103+…… +198 + 199 =? Urgent thanks

101+102+103+…… +198+199
=99*(100)+(1+2+3+4+5+…… +98+99)

101 + 102 + ·· + 198 + 199 + 200 = how much

This is a group of arithmetic sequence, which can be calculated directly by summation formula
The formula is: (first term + last term) × number of terms △ 2 = sum
=(101+200)× 100 ÷ 2
= 301×50
= 15050

Given two sets of data 1,2,3,4,5 and 101102103104105, draw these two sets of data as a line chart,
By exploring, find out the rule, and know two groups of data 1,2,3,4,5 and 101102103104105. Find the average, variance and standard deviation of the two groups of data. Draw the two groups of data into a line chart, and use a straight line parallel to the horizontal axis to represent the average of the two groups of data. Observe the two graphs you draw, what interesting conclusions do you find? If the two groups of data are 1,2,3,4,5 and 3,6,9,12, 15. What interesting conclusions can you find?

The mean difference between the two groups was 100, and the variance and standard deviation were the same
The two lines drawn at first are parallel to each other
The three lines are symmetrical about the center of the middle line

When Master Zhang processes a batch of parts, the ratio of the number of parts completed on the first day to the total number of parts is 1:3. If he processes another 25 parts, half of the batch of parts will be completed. How many parts are there in total?

A: there are 150 parts in this batch

In the first week, more than 300 meters (4 / 9) of the total length of the road was built, and in the second week, less than 40 meters (3 / 8) of the total length of the road was built

A: the total length of this highway is 1440 meters

Two cars leave from two places 135 kilometers apart at the same time. After 1.5 hours, they meet. How many kilometers does one car travel per hour? How many kilometers does the other car travel per hour

Set up another car to travel x kilometers per hour
A: another car travels 42 kilometers per hour

The arithmetic square root of (37 * 38 * 39 * 40) + 1


Generally speaking, the speed of a ship sailing downstream is v1km / and that of a ship sailing upstream is v2km / h, then the speed of a ship in still water is?

The speed of a ship in still water is x and the speed of water is y
The solution is x = (V1 + V2) / 2

41 degrees, 48 degrees

41.8 degrees, because one degree equals 60 minutes