An angle is equal to half of its complement. Find the degree of this angle

An angle is equal to half of its complement. Find the degree of this angle

Let this angle be x degrees
Then x = (180-x) / 2
So the angle is 60 degrees

The complement of an angle is 36 ° 35 ′, and this angle is______ .

The angle is 180-36 ° 35 ′ = 143 ° 25 ′

According to a certain law of the formula: 4 + 2, 5 + 8, 6 + 14, 7 + 20 So the 100th formula is______ .

According to the above analysis, the 100th formula is: (4 + 99) + (2 + 99 × 6) = 103 + (2 + 594) = 103 + 596, so the answer is: 103 + 596

The following formulas are arranged according to certain rules: 4 + 2; 5 + 8; 6 + 14; 7 = 20. Then, what is the result of the 100th formula?

When the addend is increased by 1 each time to the 100th formula, it is 4 + 99 = 103;
When the addend is increased by 6 each time, when it reaches the 100th formula, it is 2 + 99 × 6 = 596;
So, what is the result of the 100th formula 103 + 596 = 699

The following formulas are arranged according to certain rules: 4 + 2, 5 + 8, 6 + 14, 7 + 20, etc. then, what is the number 53
Excuse me, what's the formula of "yes" and "83"?

(4+m-1)+(2+6xm-6)= 370

According to a certain law of the formula: 4 + 2, 5 + 8, 6 + 14, 7 + 20 So the 100th formula is______ .

According to the above analysis, the 100th formula is: (4 + 99) + (2 + 99 × 6) = 103 + (2 + 594) = 103 + 596, so the answer is: 103 + 596

4+2,5+8,6+14,7+20,…… The following formulas are arranged according to certain rules. What is the number of the 100th formula


According to a certain law of the formula: 4 + 2, 5 + 8, 6 + 14, 7 + 20 So the 100th formula is______ .

According to the above analysis, the 100th formula is: (4 + 99) + (2 + 99 × 6) = 103 + (2 + 594) = 103 + 596, so the answer is: 103 + 596

According to a certain law of the formula: 4 + 2, 5 + 8, 6 + 14, 7 + 20 So the 100th formula is______ .

According to the above analysis, the 100th formula is: (4 + 99) + (2 + 99 × 6) = 103 + (2 + 594) = 103 + 596, so the answer is: 103 + 596

Given that 1 * 3 = 1 * 2 * 3, 4 * 5 = 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8, then the formula (6 * 4) / (3 * 4) = ()
