What number is multiplied by 3, plus 3 / 4 of the product, and then divided by 7, minus 1 / 3 of the quotient, minus 52, plus 8, and divided by 10 to get 2?

What number is multiplied by 3, plus 3 / 4 of the product, and then divided by 7, minus 1 / 3 of the quotient, minus 52, plus 8, and divided by 10 to get 2?

I counted 128

If the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 51 and the middle one is x, then the equation is ()

That is, (x + 2) + X + (X-2) = 51

1. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 51. The three odd numbers from small to large are (), (), ()

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