In the parallelogram ABCD, ab = 5, BC = 3, find the perimeter

In the parallelogram ABCD, ab = 5, BC = 3, find the perimeter


What is the difference between "symmetry about X and Y axes" and "symmetry about origin"
Please give an example

With respect to the X and Y axes, symmetry changes only one axis
For example, Y-1 = 3 (X-5) and Y-1 = 3 (- X-5) are symmetric with respect to y
(Y-1) = 3 (X-5) and - Y-1 = 3 (X-5) on X symmetry
The symmetry of the origin must change
That is Y-1 = 3 (X-5) - Y-1 = 3 (- X-5)