How many square centimeters is the area of a circle

How many square centimeters is the area of a circle

Let r cm be the radius
S circle = π R & # 178; = 9 π≈ 28.26 CM & # 178;

Cut a circle half along its diameter, and the remaining circumference is 4.56cm less than the original circumference. The area of this circle ()

Radius 4.56 △ 3.14-2 = 4cm
Area 4x4x3.14 = 50.24 square centimeter
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

The area ratio of the big circle and the small circle is 9:1, and the circumference difference is 12.56 cm. What is the area of the small circle?

Let the radius of the large circle be r, and the radius of the small circle be r.3.14 × R × 2-3.14 × R × 2 = 12.56 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6.28 × (R-R) = 12.56 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 18.84 meters?

2 π r = 18.84, r = 3

The area of a circle is 18.84 square centimeters. What is its perimeter?

Let the radius of the circle be X
Then x × x × 3.14 = 18.84
That is, X × x = 6
Then x = root 6
So the perimeter is 2 × π × radical 6 ≈ 15.4cm
Hope to adopt. Happy New Year!

What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 18.84 cm?


The radius ratio of the two circles a and B is 3:5. It is known that the area of the two circles is 680 square centimeters. How many square centimeters are the areas of the two circles?

If the radius ratio is 3:5, then the area ratio is 9:25
The area of the two circles is 9 / (9 + 25) * 680

The radius ratio of circle a and circle B is 2:3. The total area of these two circles is 260 square centimeters. How many square centimeters are the areas of circle a and circle B?

Experts: it is known that the radius ratio of circle a and circle B is 2:3, so the radius ratio of circle a and circle B is (2 & sup2;): (3 & sup2;) = 4:9 (area ratio = square ratio of radius) the area of circle a is 260 △ (4 + 9) × 4 = 80 (square centimeter) the area of circle B is 260 ± (4 + 9) × 9 = 180 (square centimeter) or 260-80 = 180 (...)

The radius ratio of the two circles a and B is 3 ∶ 5. It is known that the sum of the areas of the two circles is 680 square centimeters. What are the areas of the two circles?

The area ratio of the two circles is 3 & sup2;: 5 & sup2; = 9:25
The area of a is 680 × 9 / 34 = 180 square centimeter
The area of B is 680 × 25 / 34 = 500 square centimeter

The radius ratio of the two circles a and B is 3:5. It is known that the area of the two circles is 680 square centimeters. How many square meters are the areas of the two circles?
Please explain how this is done, mainly the process and method!

Since area = 3.14 * square of radius
Therefore, if the radius ratio of the two circles is 3:5, the area ratio of two circles is 9:25
Therefore, the area of a is: 9 * 20 = 180 square centimeter = 0.018 square meter
Area B: 25 * 20 = 500 square centimeter = 0.05 square meter