The area of a square is 900 square meters. Draw it on a picture with an area of 36 square centimeters. Find the scale of the picture The area of a square is 900 square meters. Draw it on a picture with an area of 36 square centimeters. Find the scale of the picture

The area of a square is 900 square meters. Draw it on a picture with an area of 36 square centimeters. Find the scale of the picture The area of a square is 900 square meters. Draw it on a picture with an area of 36 square centimeters. Find the scale of the picture

The side length of a square of 900 square meters is 30 meters = 3000 cm, the side length of a square of 36 square centimeters is 6 cm, and a scale of 6:3000 is 1; 500

It is known that the area of a square is 80 square centimeters. How many square centimeters is the area of a circle in the picture

It's hard to do without a picture

It's a figure made up of four squares with an area of 100 square centimeters. Can you draw a square with an area of 80 square centimeters?

As shown in the figure, the area of a red square is 0.8 times that of a small white square

A dart is drawn in a square with an area of 16 square centimeters. What is the area of the dart?

Dart area = square area - (a + B + C)
=16 sq cm - (a + B + C)
Where: a = 4 square centimeters
B = C = 4 square centimeters
The dart area is 16-4 × 3
=4 (square centimeter)

It is a combined figure composed of 6 × 4 rectangle and 4 × 4 square. It is known that the area of the combined figure is 34 square centimeters. How to draw it?

24 and 16
So as long as the square is 10 square centimeters outside the rectangle