The perimeter of a rectangular vegetable field is 280 meters. The ratio of length to width is 4:3. What are the length and width of this vegetable field? Give a direct solution to the proportion formula

The perimeter of a rectangular vegetable field is 280 meters. The ratio of length to width is 4:3. What are the length and width of this vegetable field? Give a direct solution to the proportion formula

The sum of length and width is:
280 △ 2 = 140 (m)
Long as:
140 × 4 / (4 + 3) = 80 (m)
The width is:
140 × 3 / (4 + 3) = 60 (m)

The perimeter of the front rectangle of a cuboid is 26 cm, the perimeter of the top rectangle is 30 cm, and the perimeter of the right rectangle is 28 cm
So how many centimeters is the total edge length of this cuboid and how many square centimeters is its surface area

According to the meaning of the title, the front perimeter of the cuboid = length × 2 + height × 2 = 26 cm, the top perimeter of the cuboid = length × 2 + width × 2 = 30 cm, the right perimeter of the cuboid = width × 2 + height × 2 = 28 cm, because the cuboid has four lengths, width and height, so the sum of the edges of the cube = 26 + 30 + 28 = 84 (CM), length + width + height = 84 △ 4 = 21

The circumference of a rectangle is 28.6cm. The difference between the length and width of the rectangle is 4.7cm. What are the length and width of the rectangle


There are several ways to make a cuboid with 24 cuboids whose edges are 1 cm long. What are their length, width, height and volume
In a hurry

Length width height volume: 1.24124cm & # 179; 2.121224cm & # 179; 3.122124cm & # 179; 4.61424cm & # 179; 5.62224cm & # 179; 6.64124cm & # 179; 7.31824cm & # 179; 8.32424cm & # 179; 9.43224cm & # 179; 10.81324cm & # 179; 11

There are several ways to put together a cuboid with 18 cuboids whose edges are 1 cm long. Among them, what is the smallest surface area?

So, there are four spellings
The minimum surface area is (2 × 3 + 2 × 3 + 3 × 3) × 2 = 42 square centimeter

How many square centimeters is the surface area of a cuboid? How many spelling methods are there?

One is a row
The surface area is (1 × 1 + 1 × 4 + 1 × 4) × 2 = 18 square centimeters
One is 2 × 2
The surface area is (2 × 1 + 2 × 1 + 2 × 2) × 2 = 16 square centimeters

Eight small cubes with edge length of 1cm are used to make a cuboid. There are a total of 〔 kinds of spelling methods. The maximum surface area is 〕 and the minimum is 〕

There are two ways to spell a cuboid with 8 small cubes of 1cm in length. The largest surface area is 34 square centimeters, and the smallest is 28 square centimeters
One spelling is to put 8 pieces in a row, and the other is to put 4 pieces in a row in 2 rows. The other spelling is the same as the two spelling, which can't be counted

1. Put 8 cubes with the edge length of 1cm into a cuboid. Which spelling has the smallest surface area? Which spelling has the largest surface area?
2. Make a cuboid with five identical cubes. The total edge length of this cuboid is 112 cm. What is the total edge length of a small cube?
It should be standardized

1) If the surface area is the largest, the surfaces should overlap with each other at least. If the surface area is the lowest, the surfaces should overlap with each other at most. Therefore, if 8 cubes are put together in a straight line, the maximum surface area = (1 * 1) * 2 + (8 * 1) * 4 = 34 cubic centimeter, 8 cubes are put together into 2 * 2 * 2 cube, and the minimum surface area = (2 * 2) * 6 = 24 cubic centimeter 2) 5 cubes

There are several different ways to make a cuboid from 24 cubes whose edges are 1 cm long. How many square centimeters is the maximum surface area and how many square centimeters is the minimum surface area

=1 * 1 * 24 (surface area 94cm ^ 2) maximum
=1 * 2 * 12 (surface area 76cm ^ 2)
=1 * 3 * 8 (surface area 70cm ^ 2)
=1 * 4 * 6 (surface area 68cm ^ 2)
=2 * 2 * 6 (surface area 56cm ^ 2)
=2 * 3 * 4 (surface area of 52cm ^ 2) is the smallest
There are 6 kinds of spelling

There are several ways to make a large cube with 12 small cubes with the same edge length of 1cm. What are the maximum and minimum surface areas?

There are four spelling methods:
1. It is 12 cm long, 1 cm wide and 1 cm high;
2. It is 6 cm long, 2 cm wide and 1 cm high;
3. Length 4 cm, width 3 cm, height 1 cm;
4. It is 3cm long, 2cm wide and 2cm high
The first spelling has the largest surface area,
Maximum surface area
=50 (square centimeter)
The fourth spelling has the smallest surface area,
Minimum surface area
=32 (square centimeter)