How to input in MATLAB, and how to find the first derivative and second derivative, find the input program in MATLAB?

How to input in MATLAB, and how to find the first derivative and second derivative, find the input program in MATLAB?

syms x y dy ddy
However, according to the above writing, matlab will calculate the constant e ^ (- 5), the result is not good-looking, so it is strongly recommended to write it in the following form
syms x y e dy ddy
The running results are as follows
dy = (54*x^8)/(5*e^5)
ddy = (432*x^7)/(5*e^5)

In (x-t) f (T), find the indefinite integral from 0 to X for T and the derivative of the result to X

First of all, we should ensure that f (T) is continuous, otherwise the derivative may not exist

How to find the derivative of (1 / 2) ln ^ 2x?

The derivative of LN ^ 2x is 2lnx * 1 / x = 2lnx / X