A 96 cm iron wire is used to encircle the city, a cuboid frame 12 cm long, 8 cm wide and how many cm high

A 96 cm iron wire is used to encircle the city, a cuboid frame 12 cm long, 8 cm wide and how many cm high

There are four cuboids in length, width and height
Length + width + height = 96 △ 4 = 24 (CM)
Height = 24-12-8 = 4 (CM)
=4 (CM)

Wang Ye wants to encircle the city with wire, a cuboid frame 40 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15 cm high. At least how much wire

This is to find the edge length of a cuboid
The edge length of cuboid = (length + width + height) X4 = (40 + 30 + 15) X4 = 340cm

How high can we encircle the city with a 96cm long iron wire, a 10 cm long and 8 cm wide rectangular frame?
1. A classroom is 8 meters long and 5 meters wide. The area of doors and windows is 15 square meters. White paint should be applied to the four walls and ceiling of the classroom. How large is the paint area?
The length of a cuboid box is 30cm, the width is 15cm, and the height is 8cm. If you want to stick a circle of brand paper on the side, what is the net area of the brand paper?

1. 96 - (10 + 8) × 4 = 24 / 4 = 6, the height is 6cm
2. Four wall area: (8 + 5) × 2 × 3 = 78 perimeter × height
Ceiling area: 8 × 5 = 40
Painting area: 78 + 40-15 = 103