There are two points whose distances to the origin are 2 and 3 respectively. What is the distance between these two points? Give reasons

There are two points whose distances to the origin are 2 and 3 respectively. What is the distance between these two points? Give reasons

1 or 5, reason: the two points may be on the same side of the origin, or on both sides of the origin. If the two points on the same side of the origin are 2, 3 or - 2, - 3 respectively, the distance between them is 1. If the two points on the same side of the origin are - 2, + 3 or - 3, + 2 respectively, the distance between them is 5

The distance from the point on the number axis to the origin is only related to the origin () of the point, but not to the () of the number it represents,
Fill in the brackets

The distance from the point on the number axis to the origin is only related to the distance between the point and the origin, but not to the positive or negative of the number it represents

Finding the point closest to the origin on the surface xy-z ^ 2 + 1 = 0

If and only if x = y = 0, z = plus or minus 1, so the closest point to the origin is (0,0,1) or (0,0, - 1)