Why don't I know how to write when I finish the mechanical physics analysis?

Why don't I know how to write when I finish the mechanical physics analysis?

This is nonsense. More topics is the best way. Pay attention to the textbook
It's mainly about making questions
I used to be the same as you. I couldn't solve the problem, or I even made mistakes in stress analysis. Now I don't have this feeling at all. It's best to do the problem
If you do more, you will feel natural. Then you should learn to summarize different types of questions. In fact, it's a lot of nonsense. Go to do the questions, EH --

Drawing problems of force analysis in physics mechanics of junior middle school
More is better

As shown in Figure 13, a hydrogen balloon on the square is tied to the ground with a string. Please make a force diagram of the balloon. [it is clear that there is a tension of the string, but is the direction of the tension vertical or downward along the string? Please talk about all the forces]
The pull of the rope is down the rope, and it's also driven by gravity (but the gravity of the hydrogen balloon should be negligible) and by the wind

Do you want to draw the stress analysis diagram on the test paper when doing physical mechanics problems

But generally speaking, it's safer to draw the answers in the exam because it makes your steps clearer and the letters easier for the teachers to understand