Four operations 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.17+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.18+0.34*0.13)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Longquan Building: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.17+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.22+0.34*0.15)+0.07*0.07+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Ronghui International Hot Spring City: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.12+0.26*(0.38*0.3+0.62*0.08)+0.3*(0.23*0.06+0.26*0.07+0.17*0.07+0.34*0.07)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Golden Age: 0.04*0.07+0.04*0.12+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.07+0.34*0.13)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.17= Youpai youth apartment: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.18+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.14+0.17*0.13+0.34*0.15)+0.07*0.07+0.15*0.09+0.15*0.06= Xuelin Yashe: 0.04*0.20+0.04*0.06+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.12+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.22+0.34*0.15)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Dachuan Garden: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.12+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.09+0.26*0.03+0.17*0.04+0.34*0.09)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.28= Poly Cambridge: 0.04*0.07+0.04*0.06+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.07+0.17*0.07+0.34*0.13)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.28= Reward 50 points, please calculate, I'm really a little busy, after the calculation I will spot check, spot check no error to send points!

Four operations 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.17+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.18+0.34*0.13)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Longquan Building: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.17+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.22+0.34*0.15)+0.07*0.07+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Ronghui International Hot Spring City: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.12+0.26*(0.38*0.3+0.62*0.08)+0.3*(0.23*0.06+0.26*0.07+0.17*0.07+0.34*0.07)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Golden Age: 0.04*0.07+0.04*0.12+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.07+0.34*0.13)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.17= Youpai youth apartment: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.18+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.14+0.17*0.13+0.34*0.15)+0.07*0.07+0.15*0.09+0.15*0.06= Xuelin Yashe: 0.04*0.20+0.04*0.06+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.12+0.26*0.17+0.17*0.22+0.34*0.15)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.06= Dachuan Garden: 0.04*0.13+0.04*0.12+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.09+0.26*0.03+0.17*0.04+0.34*0.09)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.28= Poly Cambridge: 0.04*0.07+0.04*0.06+0.26*(0.38*0.1+0.62*0.13)+0.3*(0.23*0.15+0.26*0.07+0.17*0.07+0.34*0.13)+0.07*0.14+0.15*0.13+0.15*0.28= Reward 50 points, please calculate, I'm really a little busy, after the calculation I will spot check, spot check no error to send points!

0.04 * 0.13 + 0.04 * 0.17 + 0.26 * (0.38 * 0.1 + 0.62 * 0.13) + 0.3 * (0.23 * 0.15 + 0.26 * 0.17 + 0.17 * 0.18 + 0.34 * 0.13) + 0.07 * 0.14 + 0.15 * 0.13 + 0.15 * 0.06 = 0.127186 Longquan Building: 0.04 * 0.13 + 0.04 * 0.17 + 0.26 * (0.38 * 0.1 + 0.62 * 0.13) + 0.3 * (0.23 * 0.15

The relation of four operations
It is known that the divisor is 7 and the quotient is 9. The maximum divisor is (& nbsp;). The minimum divisor is ()
The sum of subtraction and difference is 456, and the subtracted is ()
The sum of the subtracted, subtracted and difference is 200, and the subtracted is ()
The result is that the difference is 91, and the correct answer is & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;          ).
When doing a subtraction problem, Xiao Ming regards 7 as 9 and 5 as 3, and the result is 26. The correct answer should be & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;       ).
In a rope skipping competition, the prize is ballpoint pens. There are four winners. Each of them gets several ballpoint pens, and the remaining ballpoint pens are of the same number. How many ballpoint pens can be prepared at most?

It is known that the divisor is 7 and the quotient is 9. The maximum divisor is (69) and the minimum divisor is (63)
The sum of subtraction and difference is 456, and the subtracted is (456)
The sum of the subtracted, subtracted and difference is 200, and the subtracted is (100)
The result is that the difference is 91 and the correct answer is (117)
When doing a subtraction problem, Xiao Ming regards 7 as 9 and 5 as 3. The difference is 26. The correct answer is (44)

On four operations


Four operations of limit
Is the following true
Bounded quantity divided by infinity equals infinitesimal
(2) infinity divided by bounded quantity equals infinity
(3) infinitesimal plus infinity equals infinity
(4) infinitesimal divided by infinity equals infinitesimal
(5) infinity divided by infinitesimal equals infinity
(6) if the addition and subtraction of bounded quantity does not exist and is not infinite, it means that it does not exist
(7) what does bounded quantity multiplication and division equal to if it does not exist and is not infinite?
(8) infinitesimal plus minus bounded quantity equals infinitesimal?
(9) infinitesimal multiplied by bounded quantity equals infinitesimal
Infinitesimal divided by bounded quantity equals infinitesimal
A bounded quantity divided by infinitesimal equals infinitesimal

7 still doesn't exist

What are the four operations

Four operations
In elementary mathematics, when the first level operation (addition and subtraction) and the second level operation (multiplication and division) appear in the same formula at the same time, their operation order is multiplication and division first, then addition and subtraction. If there are brackets, the first operation is inside the brackets, and then outside the brackets. The operation order of the same level is from left to right, A formula of four arithmetic operations does not need to have four kinds of operation symbols. Generally speaking, it consists of two or more operation symbols and brackets, The operation of combining the majority into one number. Addition: the operation of combining two numbers into one number, the operation of combining two decimals into one decimal, the operation of combining two fractions into one fraction. Subtraction: the sum of two addends and one of them are known, Multiplication for another addend: a simple operation for finding the sum of several identical addends. The meaning of multiplying a decimal by an integer is the same as that of multiplying an integer. Multiplying a number by a pure decimal is to find the number of tenths, percentages The meaning of fractional multiplication of integers is the same as that of integer multiplication. Division: the product of two factors and one of them are known, The operation of finding another factor has the same meaning as the division of integers. For example: 1. Multiplication: ① how many times is a number; ② how many times is a number; ③ the area and volume of an object; ④ how many parts or percentages of a number; 2. Division: ① divide a number into several parts evenly, 3. Addition: ① summation; ② subtraction inverse operation; 4. Subtraction: ① residue; ② comparison; ③ addition inverse operation. Addition and subtraction are inverse operation; multiplication and division are inverse operation; multiplication is simple operation of addition

What do the four operations mean
(1) four operations refer to four kinds of operations: (), (), (), and () are called the first level operations, () and () are called the second level operations. 2. In an equation, if there is only one level of operations, it should be calculated according to (). 3. In an equation, if there are two levels of operations, it is necessary to first do the level of operations, and then do the level of operations

Four operations refer to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
(addition) and (subtraction) are called first level operations, and (multiplication) and (Division) are called second level operations
If there is only one level of operation in an equation, it should be calculated from left to right
In an equation, if there are two levels of operation, the second level operation should be performed first, and then the first level operation

30 questions of "fraction" multiplication and 10 questions of fraction mixed operation (don't divide)

1.3/7 × 49/9 - 4/3 2.8/9 × 15/36 + 1/27
3.12× 5/6 – 2/9 ×3 4.8× 5/4 + 1/4
5.6÷ 3/8 – 3/8 ÷6 6.4/7 × 5/9 + 3/7 × 5/9
7.5/2 -( 3/2 + 4/5 ) 8.7/8 + ( 1/8 + 1/9 )
9.9 × 5/6 + 5/6 10.3/4 × 8/9 - 1/3
11.7 × 5/49 + 3/14 12.6 ×( 1/2 + 2/3 )
13.8 × 4/5 + 8 × 11/5 14.31 × 5/6 – 5/6
15.9/7 - ( 2/7 – 10/21 ) 16.5/9 × 18 – 14 × 2/7
17.4/5 × 25/16 + 2/3 × 3/4 18.14 × 8/7 – 5/6 × 12/15
19.17/32 – 3/4 × 9/24 20.3 × 2/9 + 1/3
21.5/7 × 3/25 + 3/7 22.3/14 ×× 2/3 + 1/6
23.1/5 × 2/3 + 5/6 24.9/22 + 1/11 ÷ 1/2
25.5/3 × 11/5 + 4/3 26.45 × 2/3 + 1/3 × 15
27.7/19 + 12/19 × 5/6 28.1/4 + 3/4 ÷ 2/3
29.8/7 × 21/16 + 1/2 30.101 × 1/5 – 1/5 × 21

Xiaoming saved 2000 yuan and 1000 yuan in two forms respectively, and took them out one year later. After deducting the interest income tax (interest × 20%), he could get 43.92 yuan of interest. It is known that the sum of the annual interest rates of these two kinds of savings is 3.24%, so the annual interest rates of these two kinds of savings are respectively 3.24%______ .

Let the annual interest rates of 2000 yuan and 1000 yuan be x and Y respectively, and the equation group: x + y = 3.24% (2000x + 1000y) (1 − 20%) = 43.92. The solution is: x = 2.25% y = 0.99%, so fill in 2.25% and 0.99%

① If Xiaohong travels 2 kilometers more per hour from place a to place B, the time ratio is 7:8; if she travels 2 kilometers less per hour, she will arrive 2 / 3 hours later than the original time. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B? (by ratio and proportion method)
② When car a runs a quarter of the way, car B is 60 kilometers away from the middle point. And their speed ratio is 2:3, how many kilometers is the distance between a and B? (using ratio and proportion method)


Multiply the first term of the ratio by 7, and divide the second term by one seventh. The ratio remains unchanged
In proportion, the quotient of the product of two internal terms (not 0) divided by the product of two external terms is 1
If the quotient is constant, the divisor is in positive proportion to the divisor. Therefore, if the difference is constant, the subtracted is also in positive proportion to the subtracted

Multiply the first term of the ratio by 7, and divide the second term by one seventh. The ratio remains unchanged
Yes, because "divide by one seventh" is the same as "multiply by seven."
In proportion, the quotient of the product of two internal terms (not 0) divided by the product of two external terms is 1
Yes, because in proportion, the product of two inner terms equals the product of two outer terms
If the quotient is constant, the divisor is in positive proportion to the divisor. Therefore, if the difference is constant, the subtracted is also in positive proportion to the subtracted
Wrong, a positive proportion requires a certain quotient