What is the benefit of sending charcoal in the snow

What is the benefit of sending charcoal in the snow

Add fuel to the fire and add insult to injury

Who's sending charcoal in the snow

King Huai of Chu
[allusion] during the Warring States period, it snowed heavily in winter in Chu state. King Huai of Chu lit a fire and felt cold in his big coat. Suddenly, he pondered for a while and ordered to send coal for heating to the poor people and tourists all over the country
People are very happy, very moved, very grateful to King Huai of Chu. This is the origin of "sending charcoal in the snow"

And write a few idioms with the same meaning

Sending charcoal in the snow means sending charcoal to warm people in the snow. It means giving material or spiritual help to others when they are in trouble
Help the poor and relieve the danger

Yan Zi's envoy to Chu--
Han Xin ordered troops--
Kong Ming borrows the east wind--
An Lushan Qibin--
Qin Shihuang destroyed six states--
Childe Chong Er picks up junk--
Millions of great masters cross the river--

Yan Zi's mission to Chu
Han Xin's strategy: more is better
Kong Ming borrows the east wind
Kong Ming takes advantage of the east wind
Kongming uses the east wind
Fighting in Anlu mountain
Qin Shihuang's destruction of the six states
Childe Chong Er picks up junk
Thousands of great masters across the river

Happy summer vacation Chinese 1 ~ 20 pages
1. What's your favorite animal and what's its characteristics? Please observe it carefully and write it down in a paragraph. [50 ~ 100 words]
Use a few words to boast about a scenic spot that has left a deep impression on you. [30 ~ 60 words]
3. Use a paragraph to praise Guilin landscape. [100 ~ 120 words]
4. Poems describing scenery. [2 songs]
5. Good words and sentences to describe mountains and rivers. [10 words, 3 sentences]
6. The moral of couplets:
The first couplet is "2345"
The second couplet is "six seven eight nine"
Banners are "north and South"
7. Best in history:
The thinnest man——
The fastest boat——
The highest waterfall——
The tallest building——
The worst color TV——
The biggest surgery——
The most convenient cook——
The biggest difference——
The biggest place——
The furthest place——
The fastest water——

Give me a question

Who has the answer to sprint 100 points at the end of primary school (under the fifth grade of Chinese)!
Primary school final sprint 100 points (Chinese fifth grade) I want an answer! Thank you!

If you buy sprint 100, there will be an answer

Elementary school mathematics grade 5 unit 4 comprehensive test paper happy 100%
The father is 45 years old and the son is 15 years old now. When the father's age is 11 times that of the son, how old are the father and the son?

[when the father's age is 11 times the son's age] this condition indicates that the father's age can not be 11 times the son's age in the future, but can only be the previous age
Suppose x years ago, the age of father is 11 times that of son, father is 45-x years old, son is 15-x years old
45-x =11【12-x】
The father's age is 45-12 = 33, and the son's age is 15-12 = 3

Sprint 100 points at the end of primary school
Beibei and Huanhuan ride bicycles from a and B at the same time. Beibei rides 12 kilometers per hour and Huanhuan rides 16 kilometers per hour. After they meet on the way, it takes Beibei another 2 hours to get to B. how many hours does it take Beibei from a to B?

2x12 / 16 + 2 = 3.5 (hours)

Primary school mathematics (Beijing Normal University Edition)
It's the white paper. You need both... Hee hee

(*~___ *~)
wo shi 6 nianji de zaokaole

Can't say: you are still young, this will learn bad. Remember, don't rely too much on the answer, so your grades will be more and more bad. Can't ask parents, teachers. Believe in yourself!

What grade are you in?
1. There are x big monks and y little monks
2. Set the speed of X km / h in the morning and (X-5) km / h in the afternoon
X = 70 PM: 70-5 = 65 km
Just copy it. It's absolutely right