Horizontal and vertical displacement formula of high school physics Even throw, some don't understand

Horizontal and vertical displacement formula of high school physics Even throw, some don't understand

In horizontal throwing motion, the formula of horizontal displacement x = VT (V is the initial velocity)
The formula of vertical displacement is y = 1 / 2gt2

The formula of physics compulsory one in Senior High School
With interpretation

1) The results show that the velocity at the middle time is VT / 2 = V level = (VT + VO) / 2 4. The final velocity is VT = VO + at 5. The velocity at the middle position is vs / 2 = [(VO2 + vt2) / 2] 1 / 2 6. The displacement is s = V level t = VT + at2 / 2 = VT / 2T 7

The derivation of free falling motion formula for senior high school physics compulsory one
For example, the ratio of instantaneous velocity at the end of one second, two seconds and three seconds is 1:2:1.

Let me answer again. Free falling motion v = GT V1 / V2 = GT1 / (GT2) = T1 / T2, so the ratio of instantaneous velocity at the end of one second, two seconds and three seconds is 1:2:3 X = 1 / 2GT ^ 2 X1 / x2 = (1 / 2gt1 ^ 2) / (1 / 2gt2 ^ 2) = (T1 / T2) ^ 2, so the displacement ratio in 1 second, 2 seconds and 3 seconds is 1:4:9 The nth second

Circular motion
Isn't the acceleration formula the ratio of change to time? How can it be v / R
And is this V the instantaneous velocity or the difference between the two velocities?

Centrifugal force formula:
Acceleration Formula:
After elimination, we can get the following results:
V is the velocity of circular motion, and the magnitude is constant at constant velocity
In the case of variable speed, this formula only calculates the normal acceleration and a component of tangential acceleration

How to understand and distinguish the velocity formula and Acceleration Formula of a point in circular motion
I see such a formula on the basis of mechanical mechanics and design. For example, the velocity of a point m on the circle is v = RW. Originally, I saw the formula of acceleration of a point on the circle in high school physics is a = V & # / R. I want to ask why the velocity of point m is not v = radical ar? Are these two derived from each other?

Generally, acceleration a is calculated by velocity, not measured, so the V = root sign ar you said will not be used basically. Angular velocity W is well measured, so it is a relatively simple method to get velocity by V = RW

What is the formula of circular motion in high school physics? All the relevant formulas
All the formulas about circular motion, such as the relationship between angular velocity, period, centripetal force, centrifugal force and gravity, the more complete the better. It's best to explain the conditions of use

Angular velocity W = 2 Pai / T, linear velocity = angular velocity × radius r, period = 2 Pai / angular velocity W, centripetal force = mass m × radius R × square of angular velocity R

Deduction of six proportional relations of uniformly accelerating linear motion with zero initial velocity

(1) At the end of 1s, 2S, 3S The ratio of instantaneous velocity at the end of NS is 1:2:3 :n
v(n-1):v(n)=(n-1):n (n>=2)
So: V (1): V (2): V (3) = 1:2:3
(2) At the end of 1s, 2S, 3S The displacement ratio of NS is 1:4:9 :
s(n-1):s(n)= (n-1)^2:n^2
So: s (1): s (2): s (3) = 1 ^ 2:2 ^ 2:3 ^ 2
(3) In the first second, the second, the third second The displacement ratio in NS is 1:3:5 (2n-1)
So: 1:2:3
(4) The ratio of time taken for a uniformly accelerating rectilinear moving object with zero initial velocity to pass through continuous equal displacements from standstill is
In the same way, it's important to understand what it means

How to deduce the displacement formula of uniform velocity linear motion?

S = V average * t

Derivation of uniform speed change formula in senior one physics
I want to ask, in the uniform variable speed motion with zero initial velocity, the velocity formula at the intermediate displacement v = under the root sign (V1 + V2) / 2
How did it come out?

One of the uniform variable speed motion formulas is 2As = V2 * v2-v1 * v1
Let v be the velocity at the middle displacement
There are 2A * 0.5s = V * v-v1 * V1 and 2A * 0.5s = V2 * v2-v1 * v1
Therefore, 2V * V = V1 * V1 + V2 * V2 is the result of LZ √ [(V0 ^ 2 + VT ^ 2) / 2], which is the geometric mean of the initial and final velocities
The middle time should be simpler, the total time is 2T
Then there are at + V1 = V and at + V = V2, so there is v-v1 = v2-v, that is v = 0.5 * (V1 + V2), which is the arithmetic mean

Derivation of several formulas on the relationship between displacement and time of uniform velocity linear motion
1. In any two consecutive equal time intervals (T), the difference of displacement is a constant
SⅡ-SⅠ=SⅢ-SⅡ=…… =SN-SN-1=△S=aT2
2. The instantaneous velocity in the middle of a period of time and the instantaneous velocity in the middle of a period of displacement
3. Uniform acceleration linear motion with zero initial velocity (let t be equal time interval)
① At the end of 1t, 2T, 3T The ratio of instantaneous velocity is
v1:v2:v3…… =1:2:3:…… :n
② Within 1t, 2T, 3T The ratio of displacement in NT is
S1:S2:S3:…… :Sn=12:22:32:…… :n2
③ In the first t, in the second t, in the third t The displacement ratio in the nth t is:
SⅠ:SⅡ:SⅢ:…… :SN=1:3:5:…… :(2n-1)
④ The ratio of time taken to pass through successive equal displacements from rest
An object moves for 10 seconds, advances 180 meters, and calculates the last second displacement

1 because S1 = v0t + at ^ 2 / 2, S2 = V0 * 2T + A * (2t) ^ 2 / 2-v0t-at ^ 2 / 2 = v0t + 3At ^ 2 / 2, S3 = 3v0t + 9at ^ 2 / 2-2v0t-4at ^ 2 / 2 = v0t + 5AT ^ 2 / 2... Sn-1 = (n-1) v0t + (n-1) ^ 2 * at ^ 2 / 2 - (n-2) v0t - (n-2) ^ 2 * at ^ 2 / 2 = v0t + (2n-3) at ^ 2 / 2, Sn = nv0t + n ^ 2 * at ^ 2 / 2 - (n-2)