What is the difference between instantaneous velocity and average velocity

What is the difference between instantaneous velocity and average velocity

for instance
When you ride an electric car, you start from your home and go to your school. The distance is 5 kilometers. You start at 7:00 and arrive at school at 7:30. The average speed of this section is 5000 meters divided by 30 minutes. The specific instantaneous speed is the number you see from the electric car dial at the corresponding time

Is there a difference between instantaneous velocity and average velocity?
When they multiply T, isn't s the same

This is the definition of PEP physics book
The average speed of an object in the time interval △ t
That is to say, the speed of a period of time
If △ t is very small, the velocity of the object at time t can be regarded as instantaneous velocity
That is to say, the speed at a certain moment
However, in uniform linear motion, the average velocity is equal to the instantaneous velocity

What is the difference between instantaneous velocity and average velocity?

The velocity of a moving object at a certain time or a certain position is called instantaneous velocity. Instantaneous velocity is vector [1]. The direction of instantaneous velocity at a certain time (or passing through a certain position) is the direction of the object's motion at that time (or passing through a certain position), If his speed keeps constant during the movement, his instantaneous speed at any time and the average speed of the whole movement are the same
The average speed refers to the ratio of the displacement of an object moving in a certain period of time to the time used. It is a vector with directivity. In other words, it represents the average speed of an object in the time interval △ t. △ s △ t = average speed, (V0 + VT) / 2 = average speed. The changing displacement divided by the changing time = average speed, 2 × V1 × V2 / (V1 + V2) = average speed

How to understand: the size of instantaneous speed is usually called speed

Speed is a vector. It has size and direction. Speed is the speed of a moment

1. Under normal circumstances, the heart rate is consistent with the number of pulses per minute
2. Hemoglobin is easy to combine with oxygen, but not easy to separate from oxygen
Judge right and wrong

Under normal circumstances, the heart rate is consistent with the number of pulses per minute;
Hemoglobin is characterized by easy combination with oxygen, but not easy separation from oxygen

Is heart rate 59 and pulse 59?

How many times is the normal heart rate of 5-year-old children? Is the heart rate the same as the pulse rate

If the pulse of 20 seconds is 25 times, then the time and heart rate of the student's heartbeat are respectively?

0.8s heart rate 75

Speed divided by time is equal to? And vice versa?
Conversely, time divided by speed

The unit of speed is m / s, and the unit of time is s
Speed divided by time is m / S ^ 2
Time divided by time is s ^ 2 / m

Why does it take so many years for distance divided by speed to equal time,

What is speed? Speed is the distance per unit time. So the distance is equal to speed multiplied by time. That is s = VT, and the formula v = s / T is obtained by moving the term