

According to the sum difference product formula cos40 ° + cos80 ° = 2cos60 ° cos20 ° = cos20 ° cos20 ° + cos40 ° + cos80 ° = 2cos20 ° and then use the computer, or use the triple angle formula to calculate cos60 ° = 4cos ^ 2 20 ° - 3cos20 ° 1 / 2 = 4cos ^ 2 20 ° - 3cos20 ° and then calculate cos20 ° to have

Tell the math problem sin 30 ° + cos 30 ° - Tan 45 ° will say, thank you all

A scar that will never heal
I can't let go of your love for me
Iris standing in the snow, blooming with light blue flowers, emitting a turquoise luster
The past is like a song, the past is like a cry,
Ah, become the most eye-catching touch of green, light up the heart

Tell the next math problem sin30 ° + cos30 ° - tan45 ° will say, thank you 9K

Think too much, dizziness, palpitation
Planting in spring, harvesting in autumn and storing in winter
Not satisfied, there will never be a landing terminal
Ah, wandering aimlessly

Tell me the math problem sin 30 ° cos 30 ° - Tan 45 ° someone can say it, thank you very much

Every peach blossom is full of affection
Floating in tears at this time, like the floor like dumping
It's not just being irresponsible for your own life
When we first saw snow
Ah, the dim light came down again and again