Put the numbers 1 ~ 9 in the square, so that the equation holds, each number can only be used once, division = subtraction = division The faster, the more gold

Put the numbers 1 ~ 9 in the square, so that the equation holds, each number can only be used once, division = subtraction = division The faster, the more gold

376 divided by 94 = 5 minus 1 = 8 divided by 2

Would you please fill in seven numbers from 0 to 6 in the following boxes to make them equal? Port x = port = port division


Just use the number 8 to make up five numbers and fill in the box below to make the formula true______ ﹢______ ﹢______ ﹢______ ﹢______ =1000.

According to the stem analysis can be: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000, so the answer is: 888; 88; 8; 8; 8

Put the 8 numbers 1 to 8 into the box to make the equation hold. Each number can only be used once

Which boxes are not listed

Fill in the box below with the eight numbers 1 to 8 to make the equation true


Two numbers are prime numbers, and their sum is 18. These two prime numbers are () and ()

5 and 13

A number a is prime, and a + 14 and a + 18 are prime. Then a is ()

A is 5
A + 18 = 23, all prime numbers

If a is a prime number less than 20, the sum of a and 12 is a prime number, and the sum of a and 18 is also a prime number, what is the number of a


How many scores meet the following conditions at the same time? (1) More than 16 and less than 15; (2) both numerator and denominator are prime numbers; (3) denominator is two digits. Please list all the scores that meet the conditions

Let the score be Mn, where m and N are prime numbers, and N is 2 digits. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: 15 > Mn > 16, then 6m > N, 5m < n, that is 6m > n > 5m. Because n is 2 digits, so 5m < 100, then M < 19, when m = 2, 12 > n > 10, so n = 11, when m = 3, 18 > n > 15, so n = 17, when m = 5, 30 > n > 25, so n = 29, when m = 7, 42 > n > 35, so n = 41 or 37, when m = 11, 66 When m = 13, 78 > n > 65, so n = 67, 71, 73, when m = 17, 102 > n > 85, so n = 89, 97, so there are 211317529737741115916113671371137317891797 scores that meet the three conditions at the same time. A: there are 12 scores that meet the following conditions at the same time

The numerator is one prime and the denominator is some fraction of two prime
