How many milliseconds is one second? 1001000? Some say it's 100 milliseconds, others say it's 1000 milliseconds. How much is it? What is the unit behind the electronic stopwatch? What's the next unit of seconds? Centisecond or millisecond? What are the two decimal places after the second of the stopwatch? I've seen 66 after the second of the stopwatch, For example, 00:01:06:66 1 minute 6 seconds 66. What's the unit behind 66?

How many milliseconds is one second? 1001000? Some say it's 100 milliseconds, others say it's 1000 milliseconds. How much is it? What is the unit behind the electronic stopwatch? What's the next unit of seconds? Centisecond or millisecond? What are the two decimal places after the second of the stopwatch? I've seen 66 after the second of the stopwatch, For example, 00:01:06:66 1 minute 6 seconds 66. What's the unit behind 66?

The unit of an electronic stopwatch is seconds
The next unit of a second is a millisecond
The two decimal places refer to the percentage of a second
1 minute 6 seconds 66, 66 is 66 / 100 seconds
There is no such thing as centisecond,
1s (seconds) = 1000ms (milliseconds)

One second is 100 milliseconds or 1000 milliseconds? And so on
What is the unit behind the electronic stopwatch? What is the next unit of seconds? Centisecond or millisecond? What are the two decimal places behind the seconds of the stopwatch? I have seen that the second of the stopwatch is 99, for example, 00:01:08:99, 1:08.99, what is the unit behind 99?

After the electronic stopwatch is centisecond, the next unit of the second is centisecond. The two decimal hundredth second after the second of the stopwatch, for example, 00:01:08:99, 1:08:99, 99 is centisecond

How many days is 16:00

16:00 is 16 / 24 = 2 / 3 days