Calculation of 41 + 59 * 12 with simple method

Calculation of 41 + 59 * 12 with simple method


The simple method of 142 * 59-42 * 59 is


Use a simple method to calculate the following questions. (1) 2.9 × 0.45 + 0.29 × 4.2 + 0.029 × 13 (2) 3.84 × 9.6 + 0.96 × 61.6


Simple calculation method: 75 ^ 2 * 3.14-3.14 * 25 ^ 2


A simple calculation method of (0.75 × 42.6-0.574 × 25 + 57.4) △ 3


How to calculate the simple method of 18 × 125 × 4

Original form

Simple calculation method of 3.14 * 1.9 + 31.4 * 0.81d


-0.21 * - (4.58) - 6.8 * (- 0.458) + (- 0.011) * (- 45.8) =? Simple calculation

=0.21x4.58+0.68x4.58+0.11x4.58 =4.58(0.21+0.68+0.11) =4.58x1 =4.58

What is the simple method of 8.8 × 2.9 △ 1.1

The original formula is equal to

3.8-1.9 + 7.2-8.1 (78 + 58) △ 37 △ 15 = 40 - (7.7 + 4.8 △ 1.2) (329 + 113) × 13 × 29=
