Xiao Hua divided a number by 67 and calculated it by 67. The result is 15. What's the correct answer?

Xiao Hua divided a number by 67 and calculated it by 67. The result is 15. What's the correct answer?

The correct answer is 20512

In the math exam, Xiao Li calculated "a number divided by 47.5" as "multiplied by 4.75". The result is 406.125. What's the correct answer?

The number should have been divided by 47.5, the result multiplied by 4.75, amplified by 47.5 * 4.75 = 225.625 times
Just divide by 225.625 to get the correct answer
406.125 / 225.625 = 1.8 the correct answer should be 1.8

Divide a number by 4.75 and multiply it by 4.75. The result is 406.125

Original 406.125 △ 4.75 = 85.5
The correct result is 85.5 △ 4.75 = 18

When you divide a number by 3.75, you take the division sign as a multiplication sign, and the result is 225______ .

A: the correct answer to this question is 16

Careless Liang Liang mistakenly regards division by 3 as multiplication by 3 when doing a calculation problem, making the calculation result 168 more than the correct answer?
The title of the book has baffled me several times!

Because Liang Liang mistakenly regards division by 3 as multiplication by 3 when he is doing a calculation problem, so the answer is nine times the original one. Let the original answer be X
The original answer was 21

Xiao Ming in the math exam, not careful to divide a number by 4.75, calculated by 4.75, the result is 406.125, the correct answer to this question should be?

A: the correct answer to this question should be 18

When Xiao Ming calculated a number divided by two fifths, he miscalculated the number and multiplied it by two fifths. What is the correct answer

Let the original number be x, then [x * (2 / 5)] / [x / (2 / 5)] = (2 / 5) x / (5x / 2) = (2 / 5) * (2 / 5) = 4 / 25

Xiao Ming is calculating a number that is not equal to 0 divided by 2 / 5. He miscalculated this number and multiplied it by 2 / 5. What is the correct answer


Xiao Ming divided a number (not 0) by 3 / 4 and calculated it by 3 / 4. What is the correct answer?

Let this number be x (x ≠ 0)

When Xiao Hu calculated a number multiplied by 1.5, he wrongly wrote that he divided it by 1.5, and the result became 2.4. The correct result of this problem should be []
