English translation (first gold medal winner)

English translation (first gold medal winner)

The first gold-medal winner

English translation
Help sb. A lot
2. So interesting
3. Won the first gold medal

be helpful to sb.
so interesting
get the first gold plate

Translate the following phrases into English
At the beginning of
At the age of
In public
In trouble
Interested in
instead of
Harmful to
Provide them with

at the beginning of
at the age of
in the public
be in trouble
be interested in
rather than
because of thanks to
be harmful to
laugh at
provide them with

English translation
Will there be less pollution?
There will be robots in people's homes
3. A polluted river
4. After the 1950s

Will the pollution reduce a little bit?
No,it won't.
The robots will take place in people's home.
a polluted river
after 25 to 50 years later,

English translation
1. Go away
2. Party
3. Have a picnic
4. Have to
5. Invite all friends
6. Go sightseeing
Come and have tea
8. Going out for a walk
9. Go to the cinema

1 go off / go away2 hold a party3 have a picnic4 have to 5 invite all the friends6 go sightseeing7 come to have a tea 8 go out for a walk9 go to the cinema

A:I‘d rather have a cup of coffee with milk.
A:I‘d rather have a cup of coffee with milk.
a.Neither do I b.Neither would I c.So do I d.So would I
Better have a reason

I prefer coffee with milk
Me too.

have a second cup of tea,please.
Why is the answer a

A yes, unless you specify which cup the second must be That's weird

I didn‘t have any breakfast _____________ A cut of milk is an exception for or an exception reason

I didn‘t have any breakfast 【except for】_ a cup of milk
Because it was said that he didn't eat anything, the following is a supplementary explanation

For breakfast I usually have ____ and twopieces of bread.A.a cup of milk half B.half a cup of milk
C.a half milk cup D.half a milk cup


Please have a glass of milk .-------------______________
A.certainly.B.You're welcome.C.Don't worry.D.Thank you.

If you are offered a glass of milk, just say thank you