Different expressions of "should" in English!

Different expressions of "should" in English!

should, ought to, be supposed to

What are the expressions of "Zhong" in English and how to distinguish their usages?
What we know are intermediate, middle, medium, Mid. how to distinguish these words? Are there any other words that mean "middle"?

Center: refers to the center of three-dimensional space, also can be compared to the center of abstract things. Middle: generally refers to the equidistant part between the two ends of time, space or process. Heart: refers to the most internal or the most important part of things

What's the difference between adjectives in English?
many,much,few,little,a few,a little,not many,not much,very few,very little,some
What is the size order of these words?
Which are equal?

not many,not much
a few,a little
very few,very little
There are many at the top and few at the bottom