What are the words to describe people's appearance and character? For appearance and character, we should use commendatory and derogatory words. The more the better

What are the words to describe people's appearance and character? For appearance and character, we should use commendatory and derogatory words. The more the better

Description of the character's appearance: 1. Words expressing the character's quality: noble, modest, helpful, proud, modest, arrogant, selfish, selfless, loyal, warm-hearted and ready to help others. 2. Words expressing the character's appearance: beautiful, talented, elegant, elegant, earth like, gloomy

There are 15 adjectives describing the appearance of characters and 10 words describing the quality of characters in English

Appearance: beautiful short
ugly fat
handsome heavy
lovely thin
tall pretty
Quality: smart outing
serious clever
cute quiet
athletic active

English words describing the appearance and character of characters
The more, the better

1. Fractious, irritable, stubborn, bad tempered 1. Cute 2. Pessimistic, pessimistic 2. Optimistic 3. Coy shy, shy, smart 4. Brave, brave, fearless 4. Brilliant, talented 5. Cranky, violent