Show, me, let, you, make, a, how, sandwich, to (.),

Show, me, let, you, make, a, how, sandwich, to (.),

Let me show you how to make a sandwish.

Us let make a card birthday

Let us make a birthday card.
Let's make a birthday card

How, me, let, you, to, make, show, a, card

let me show you how to make a card

To, parties, girls, both, go, of, lots,
Both girls go to lots of parties
Why not girls both go to lots of parties
It's like we both come from Canada
Not both a and B or both of
MIngming is better than me ______ English.
The answer is at. It's said to be good at online, so fill in at. But isn't it together? How can it be separated
In my opinion, in the aspect of
She shows interest in drawing
She has interest in drawing

Generally speaking, there is no strict requirement, but strictly speaking, the answer is girls both go to lots of parties