What do you think of it or how do you think of it? What do you want? How do you like it?

What do you think of it or how do you think of it? What do you want? How do you like it?

What do you think of it?
How do you like it?
Two sentences are equal

what do you think of it?

What do you think of it

What do you think of it

how do you like it?
what do you think about it?

One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer because farmers_ turkeys
A raise B need C buy D ccok

A (feeding) a child guessed that it was a farmer's hand, because it was the farmer who raised the turkey
Who hand could it be? One child guided it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers raise turkeys.Another suggested a police protect and care for people.

the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip

The science teacher was very happy because the monitor cleaned up the car after the trip

I didn't go out because of the rain

I didn't go out,because it is raining

The way to explain the reason in English: in addition to case, case of

1.I am careless so I lose the game.
2.Owing to my carelessness,I lose the game.
3.I lose the game due to my carelessness.
4.My loss of game results from my carelessness.
5.The reason that I lost my game is my carelessness.
6.My carelessness caused my loss of the game.
7.My loss of game is caused by my carelessness.
8.Since I am careless,I am always losing games.
9.As I am careless,I never won the game.
10.Carelessness was the main reason that I lost the game.
11.I am a very careless man that is why I am always losing the games.
12.My carelessness leads to the loss of game.
13.It is my carelessness that make me lose the game.
14 I am too careless to win the game.
15 I am not careful enough to win the game.
16 I think my carelessness was the responsible for my loss of game.
17.For my carelessness,I lost my game.
18.On the condition that I am careless,I will never win the game.
19.As long as I am careless,I cannot win the game.
20.I was careless and I lost the game.
As long as you pay more attention and don't stick to any method, you can use it flexibly to achieve your goal

the thief was seen ()the house.so the police came quite soon and.
1 to enter 2 entered which? Why

to enter
In the passive voice, to should be added
See sb do sth,

1 They_____ (fly)into space and came back soon
Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words


As soon as I got off the train I saw those thief in hand cuffs andthe police.

When I got off the train, I saw the thief in handcuffs and the police