What is the order of adjectives that modify the same noun?

What is the order of adjectives that modify the same noun?

When adjectives are used as prepositional attributives, they are usually divided into determiner, numeral, description, big / small, long / short, high / low, shape, age, new / old, color, nationality, material, function, category, etc

Nouns and adjectives of country names
In English, nouns and adjectives are used to express countries or regions. Nouns and adjectives are used in what situations!

A noun is used to describe a country or region
e.g.I went to the USA(n.) last month.
Adjectives are about things or people in that country or region
e.g.This is an American(adj.) boy.

Why can English about countries be adjectives or nouns?
For example, Chinese adj / N, American adj / n?

The noun of China is China
Chinese nouns are Chinese, adjectives are Chinese