Who can sum up the verbs in junior high school English, which are followed by ing, to do, and the original form, as well as all the phrases Remember to summarize all the phrases, and those of ing should also have Chinese meaning,

Who can sum up the verbs in junior high school English, which are followed by ing, to do, and the original form, as well as all the phrases Remember to summarize all the phrases, and those of ing should also have Chinese meaning,

Finish doing sth. enjoy doing sth. practice doing sth. practice doing sth. be good at doing sth. thank you for doing sth

What are the infinitive verbs in Junior English?

Want, rufuse, forget, need, try, learn, like, agree, help, hope, wish, decide, begin, start
It is often followed by doing: finish, practice, be worth, be busy, keep on, be used to, give up, consider, suggest, can't help, feel like, enjoy, miss, mind
Add do: causative verbs make, let, sensory verbs look, see, hear, notice, etc
Some words can be followed by either infinitive or gerund, and some have little difference in meaning,
For example: begin / start to do and begin / start doing both indicate starting to do something
Some are completely different,
Remember to do sth,
Remember doing means remember doing something
Hope to help you, if you have any questions, you are welcome to ask again

When do verbs change into infinitives

Father will not allow us to play on the street