There are ten countable nouns and ten uncountable nouns in English Ten countable nouns should be written in plural, five regular and five irregular,

There are ten countable nouns and ten uncountable nouns in English Ten countable nouns should be written in plural, five regular and five irregular,

Countable rules, such as tricks, maps, miles, brothers, horses,
Countable irregular men, tea, feet, children, oxen,
Uncountable advice, bread, fire, coffee, food, gas, fruit, meat, music, tea

When do you modify countable nouns? When do you modify uncountable nouns

Help you classify, can only modify the countable nouns are many, many of, many a (an), a number of, numbers of, can only modify the uncountable are many, many of, an amount of, like a lot of, lots of, a bunch of, plenty of, both of these should be enough

What are the meanings of countable nouns and uncountable nouns in English

1、 Countable nouns are nouns that can be used to count. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms, such as: Desk desks, apple apples, etc
2、 When singular countable nouns are used for general reference, the indefinite article a (an) should be used in front of them. When special reference is made, the definite article the should be used in front of them. When special reference is made, the definite article the should be used in front of uncountable nouns
He is a factory worker
No one can see air
3、 Both countable and uncountable nouns can be modified with some, any, a lot of, lots of, etc. to express "some, many."
There are some oranges on the desk
There is a lot of water in the bottle
4、 Before countable nouns, specific numerals can be used to express specific quantity, such as two apples, four books, etc. before uncountable nouns, unit word + of is commonly used to express quantity, such as a piece of paper, three pieces of paper, etc
5、 When a countable noun is used as the subject, the singular and plural of the predicate verb are consistent with the singular and plural of the subject
This picture is very beautiful
When an uncountable noun is used as the subject, the predicate verb should be in the singular, but when there is a plural "unit word" before the uncountable noun, the predicate verb should be in the plural
There are two cups of tea on the table
6、 Use how many to ask questions about modifiers before countable nouns and how much to ask questions about modifiers before uncountable nouns
How many apples are there in the box?
How much tea is there in the cup?
Note: when asking questions about the modifier "unit word" before uncountable nouns, the interrogative word is "how many."
How many pieces of bread are there on the plate?