What's the difference between sell sale sold It's all for sale

What's the difference between sell sale sold It's all for sale

Sell means to sell
Sale is a noun that means sale. It also has a verb that means sale
Sold is the past participle and past tense of sell

What is the difference between sell and sale in English? Under what circumstances are they used?

Sell is a verb, used as predicate, sale is a noun, used as subject or object

The difference between sale and sell in English
I'm always confused. I only know that one is a verb and the other is a noun?

1. Someone (or company or store, etc.) sells something with sell
2. Something for sale
3. To reduce the price of something, also use sale
For example:
I want to sell this house
This house has been sold
Is this house for sale
This house is not for sale
Are these shoes on sale today