When to add Er and or when to change a verb into a noun

When to add Er and or when to change a verb into a noun

Verb to noun: (1) a person with a certain occupation or action Local people, proficient in "American, historian, 2) - Al" means "with "Principal, 3) - ant, - ent" means "principal, 3) - ant, - ent" "Merchant, agent, servant, St

Is it necessary to add Er after the verb to noun in English?

Not necessarily, some of them add or, and those ending with e only add R
For example, visit - visitor; invest - inventor
write - writer

How to add "Er" to "ready"
How to add "ready" if you want to become a noun or a preparer

Ready to add Er is readier but not a noun. It also means that the adjective is ready
Ready itself has the meaning of a noun. As a noun, it means cash that can be used immediately