Nouns, adjectives and adverbs of several words quiet,rain,happy,quick,luck, And the difference between the other and the other. Thank you Don't be so abstruse, what adj reprints into Chinese for me, is there any verb form? What's the meaning of adj? Can you tell me more about the difference between n another and the other? thank

Nouns, adjectives and adverbs of several words quiet,rain,happy,quick,luck, And the difference between the other and the other. Thank you Don't be so abstruse, what adj reprints into Chinese for me, is there any verb form? What's the meaning of adj? Can you tell me more about the difference between n another and the other? thank

Noun adjective adverb
quiet quiet quietly
Rain rain
happiness happy happily
quickness quick quickly
luck lucky luckily
Another is used for 'another'
Have another of these cakes .
Have another piece of this cake
The other means "the other of the two."
The other half disappears!
The other half is gone!

[such + adj. + uncountable noun + that 】And [so + adj. + uncountable noun + that 】How to distinguish?
[such + adj. + uncountable noun + that 】And [so + adj. + uncountable noun + that 】
Are these two sentence patterns right?
Can it be converted?
You don't need to change any other words in the sentence, just change so and such?
How to distinguish?

The sentence pattern is wrong Example: such a nice girl = so nice a girl

Whether a noun can be modified by more than one adjective or noun depends on the one after the article
Adjective or noun

a big orange pumpkin
Without big
That's an orange pumpkin
[handsome wolf hunting English]