All the formulas (including the deformation formula) of physical electricity in grade two of junior high school Find all the formulas of electricity in the second grade of junior high school!

All the formulas (including the deformation formula) of physical electricity in grade two of junior high school Find all the formulas of electricity in the second grade of junior high school!

=U / r u = IR r = u / I P = w / T P = UI P = u ^ / R P = I ^ R q = uitphysical quantity physical formula current definition I = q / T Ohm's law I = u / R series circuit I = I1 = I2 parallel circuit I = I1 + I2 voltage series circuit u = U1 + U2 parallel circuit u = U1 = U2 resistance series connection r total = R1 + R2 parallel connection r total = r1r2 / (R1 + R2

What are the basic formulas of physics electricity in grade two?

1. Ohm's Law: I = u / R 4. Joule's Law: (1) q = I & # 710; 2rt universal formula) (2) q = uit = Pt = UQ, electric quantity = u & # 710; 2T / R (pure resistance formula) 5. Series circuit: (1) I = I1 = I2 (2) u = U1 + U2 (3)

Electrical formula of physics in grade two of junior high school

Ohm's Law: I = u / r u = IR r = u / I (unit: I / a U / V R / Ω)
Series: r = R1 = R2
Parallel: 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / r2
Electric power: P = w / T, w = Pt, t = w / P (unit: P / W T / s, w / J or P / kW T / h, w / kW. H)
P = UI I = P / u u = P / I (unit: P / W U / V I / a)
P=U²/R P=I²R
W=UIt W=U²/Rt W=I²Rt
Q = I & # 178; RT (Joule's law)
Q= W=Pt Q= W=UIt Q=U²/Rt

Finding the electrical formula of junior high school physics
It's all right
Ohm's law
electric power
Electricity and magnetism
And so on
The more complete, the better
Thank you very much

Electric quantity: q = it (Coulomb) I current
Voltage U = IR u = w / it u = P / I square of u = WR / T square of u = pr
Resistance R = u / I r = R1 + R2 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / r2 r = u squared by T / w r = w / I squared by t r = u squared / P R = P / I squared
Ohm's law I = u / R
Electric power P = w / T P = the square of U / R P = the square of I multiplied by T

What are all the electrical formulas in junior high school physics?
Each unit plus unit subject separate, pure circuit marked clearly, there are variations

1. 1. Current intensity: I = q electric quantity / T 2. Resistance: r = ρ L / S 3. Ohm's Law: I = u / R 4. Joule's Law: (1). Q = i2rt universal formula (2). Q = uit = Pt = UQ electric quantity = u2t / R (pure resistance formula) 5. Series circuit: (1). I = I1 = I2 (2). U = U1 + U2. R = R1 + R2 (1). W = uit = Pt = UQ (universal formula) (2). W = i2rt = u2t / R (pure resistance formula) 9 electric power: (1), P = w / T = UI (universal formula) (2), P = I2R = U2 / R (pure resistance formula) series circuit current I (a) I = I1 = I2 = The current is equal everywhere, and the series circuit voltage U (V) u = U1 + U2 + The series circuit acts as a voltage divider, and the series circuit resistance R (Ω) r = R1 + R2 + Parallel circuit current I (a) I = I1 + I2 + The main current is equal to the sum of the branch currents (shunt) parallel circuit voltage U (V) u = U1 = U2 = Parallel circuit resistance R (Ω) = + + Ohm's law I = the current in the circuit is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. The current definition formula I = Q: amount of charge (Coulomb) t: time (s) electric work w (J) w = uit = Pt U: voltage I: current T: time p: electric power P = UI = I2R = U2 / r u: voltage I: current R: the relationship between the wave velocity of resistance electromagnetic wave and wavelength and frequency C = λ ν C:

Junior high school physics electricity formula! The best list out, thank you!
I want to know all the electrical formulas of junior high school! Thank you!

This is not bad [electrical part] 1 current intensity: I = q electric quantity / T 2 resistance: r = ρ L / S 3 Ohm law: I = u / R 4 Joule Law: 1 Q = i2rt universal formula) 2 q = uit = Pt = UQ electric quantity = u2t / R (pure resistance formula) 5 series circuit: 1 I = I1 = I2 2 2 u = U1 + U2 3 R = R1 + R2 4 u

What are the formulas of electricity?

Coulomb's Law: F = kq1q2 / R2 (in vacuum) {F: force between point charges (n), K: electrostatic constant, k = 9.0 × 109n? M2 / C2, Q1, Q2: two point charges}

All formulas of electricity

1、 Ohm's law and its deformation formula I = u / r u = IR r = u / I 2. The calculation formula of electric work (or consumed electric energy) w = uit = u2t / r = i2rt = PTW = 50R / 2500r / kW · h or 500imp / 5000imp / kW · H, W = W at the end of this month - W at the end of last month, etc. 3. Calculation formula of electric power P = w / T = UI = U2 / r = I2 R 4. Calculation formula of heat generated by current q = i2rt = uit = u2t / r = Pt = w 5. Relationship of seven physical quantities in series circuit (taking two pure resistors R1 and R2 in series as an example) 1. Equivalent relationship I = I1 = I2 u = U1 + U2 r = R1 + R2T = T1 = T2 w = W1 + W2 P = P1 + P2 Distribution relation I1 ∶ I2 = 1 ∶ 1, U1 ∶ U2 = W1 ∶ W2 = P1 ∶ P2 = Q1 ∶ Q2 = R1 ∶ R2 (principle of partial voltage) 6. The relation of seven physical quantities in parallel circuit (taking two pure resistors R1 and R2 in parallel as an example) 1. Equivalent relation u = U1 = U2, I = I1 + I2, 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2T = T1 = T2, w = W1 + W2, P = P1 + P2, q = Q1 + q22. Distribution relation U1 ∶ U2 = 1 ∶ 1 I1 ∶ I2 = W1 ∶ W2 = P1 ∶ P2 = Q1 ∶ Q2 = R2 ∶ R1 (shunt principle) according to the order of teaching materials, the electrical formula can be arranged as follows (in two circuits with pure resistance connection as an example): I explore the characteristics of series and parallel circuit current through experiments: series circuit: I = I1 = I2 parallel circuit: I = I1 + I2 II explore the characteristics of series and parallel circuit voltage through experiments: Series circuit: u = U1 + U2 parallel circuit: u = U1 = U2 Ⅲ through experiments to explore the relationship between current and voltage, resistance, summed up Ohm's Law: I = u / R, its deformation formula is: u = IR, r = u / I Ⅳ, through the "volt ampere" resistance experiment or theoretical derivation method to explore the characteristics of series and parallel circuit resistance, Through theoretical derivation, the principle of partial voltage of series circuit and shunt principle of parallel circuit are obtained: series circuit: r = R1 + R2, U1 ∶ u2r1 ∶ R2 (partial voltage principle) parallel circuit: 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2, I1 ∶ I2 = R2 ∶ R1 (shunt principle) V learn how to use the watt hour meter to measure the electric energy consumed in a period of time: w = 50R / 2500r / kW · h or 500imp / 5000imp / kW · h, etc. w = w the end of this month - w the end of last month VI explore the relationship between the amount of work done by current and voltage, current and power on time through experiments: w = uit VII derive other parameters of electric work Calculation formula (for pure resistance) and the characteristics of electric work in series and parallel circuits: w = u2t / r = i2rt = Pt, series circuit: w = W1 + W2, W1 ∶ W2 = R1 ∶ R2, parallel circuit: w = W1 + W2, W1 ∶ W2 = R2 ∶ R1 Ⅷ leads to the concept of electric power and deduces the deformation formula of electric power (for pure resistance) P = w / T = UIP = U2 / r = I2 R Ⅸ. Through derivation, the characteristics of electric power in series and parallel circuits and the relationship between actual power and rated power of consumers are obtained: series circuit: P = P1 + P2, P1 ∶ P2 = R1 ∶ R2, parallel circuit: P = P1 + P2, P1 ∶ P2 = R1 ∶ R2, P1: P2 = R2: R1 when u is greater than (or =, < U), P is greater than (or =, < p), when the resistance R of the consumer is constant, U2 is / U2 is = P is / P, Through experiments to explore the relationship between the heat generated by the current passing through the conductor and the current, resistance, power on time: q = i2rt Xi combined with the transformation of energy to deduce other calculation formulas of the heat generated by the pure resistance when it is electrified: q = uit = u2t / r = Pt = w Ⅻ through derivation, the characteristics of the heat generated by the current in series and parallel circuits are obtained: series circuit: q = Q1 + Q2, Q1 ∶ Q2 = R1 ∶ R2 parallel circuit: q = Q1 + Q2, Q1 ∶ Q2 = R2 ∶ R1

How to use VB programming, input the radius of the circle, calculate and output the area of the circle. Click the command button, call the InputBox function to input data, and display the calculation results through msgbox

Public Sub command1_ click( )
dim r as integer
R = Val (InputBox ("please input radius"))
Msgbox "the area of the circle is: & S
end sub

VB input radius to calculate circle perimeter and area formula
Calculation and clearing formula

Their answers seem to have no output. Dim & nbsp; R, & nbsp; s, & nbsp; C & nbsp; as & nbsp; integerprivate & nbsp; Sub & nbsp; command1_ Click()r = Val(Text1.Text)s = 3.1415926 * r ^ 2c ...